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(4) have at least 20% of the HOME -assisted units rented to very low-income families <br />(50% of median income) under the terms and conditions set forth in 24 CFR 92.252 <br />(2)(b); <br />(5) demonstrate financial feasibility -- including the ability to maintain rents for the <br />subsidized units at affordable levels for the periods specified in 24 CFR 92252; <br />(6) be free of significant adverse environmental impacts, except those that can be <br />mitigated through the project itself, <br />(7) minimize tenant displacement; <br />(8) comply with all local building and zoning codes and standards, including energy <br />efficiency and water conservation standards, and meet housing quality standards in <br />Section 882.109 of Title 24. Newly constructed housing must meet the current <br />edition Model Energy Code of the Council of American Building Officials; <br />(9) make efficient use of public funds and avoid "layering" of subsidies beyond those <br />necessary to achieve a financially feasible project; and, <br />(10) have at least 51% of the project space be residential, if in a mixed use project. <br />Eligible Uses and Activities <br />HOME funds may only be used to finance new construction or acquisition and/or rehabilitation <br />of rental housing which is affordable to very low and low-income households as defined by 24 <br />CFR 922. Fifteen percent (15%) of the annual HOME fund allocation shall be set aside for <br />certified Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO's). <br />New construction costs eligible for HOME funding shall be as specified in 24 CFR Part 92, <br />including: <br />1. site acquisition; <br />2. site preparation costs (grading, filling, etc.); <br />3. financing costs as described in 24 CFR 92206; <br />4. architectural, engineering, and other related soft costs; <br />5. the cost of extending or upgrading utilities to the site to support the proposed project; <br />6. construction costs; <br />7. relocation costs; and, <br />8. affirmative marketing and audit costs related to HOME program requirements. <br />Rehabilitation costs eligible for HOME funding include: <br />9. project acquisition with or without rehabilitation; <br />10. financing costs, as described in 24 CFR 92.206; <br />11. architectural, engineering, or other design costs; <br />12. utility upgrade or extension costs; <br />13. costs associated with demolition (where necessary) only if rehabilitation is <br />commenced within 12 months of demolition; <br />14. construction costs; <br />15. project audit costs; and, <br />16. affirmative marketing costs. <br />Ineligible Uses and Activities <br />The following costs are not eligible for HOME funding: <br />Affordable Housing Funds Policies and Procedures Page 29 <br />75B-94 <br />