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Project -Based Voucher Program <br />Source of Funds <br />Project -based vouchers are a component of a public housing authority's (PHA) Housing Choice <br />Voucher Program. Funding for project -based vouchers comes from funds already obligated by <br />the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to a PHA under its Annual <br />Contributions Contract. A PHA can attach up to 20 percent of its Annual Contributions Contract <br />to specific housing units if the owner agrees to either rehabilitate or construct the units, or the <br />owner agrees to set -aside a portion of the units in an existing development. The PHA can use up <br />to 20 percent of its housing choice vouchers for project -based vouchers. <br />Eligible Borrowers <br />Eligible borrowers are nonprofit Housing Development Corporations (HDC's) duly organized to <br />promote and undertake community development activities on a not -for -profit basis, or for -profit <br />housing developers or development corporations, with proven capacities to develop, own, and <br />operate affordable housing. Limited partnerships whose general partners are otherwise eligible <br />under the above are also eligible to borrow Program funds. <br />Eligible Proiects <br />Eligible projects include acquisition, rehabilitation, or new construction of rental housing <br />projects which: <br />1. The PHA may attach PB V assistance for units in existing housing or for newly <br />constructed or rehabilitated housing developed under and in accordance with an <br />Agreement. <br />a. Existing housingA housing unit is considered an existing unit for purposes of <br />the PBV program, if at the time of notice of PHA selection the units substantially <br />comply with HQS. <br />i. Units for which rehabilitation or new construction began after owner's <br />proposal submission but prior to execution of the Agreement to Enter into <br />a Housing Assistance Payments Contract do not subsequently qualify as <br />existing housing. <br />ii. Units that were newly constructed or rehabilitated in violation of program <br />requirements also do not qualify as existing housing. <br />Eligible Uses and Activities <br />Program funds can be used to enter into an Agreement with eligible borrowers who will provide <br />affordable housing, principally for low and moderate income households. Eligible uses of <br />Project -Based Voucher funds include, but are not limited to, the following: <br />(1) acquisition and/or rehabilitation of eligible rental properties; <br />(2) acquisition and conversion of nonresidential property to multifamily rental housing <br />units; and <br />(3) new construction of rental housing units. <br />Affordability Requirements <br />All units assisted under this program shall be affordable to households with incomes that do not <br />exceed 30% of median income. <br />Affordable Housing Funds Policies and Procedures Page 34 <br />75B-99 <br />