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The Bowery Mixed -Use Project <br />CEQA Comment <br />May 11, 2020 <br />Page 2 <br />Traffic engineer Dan Smith also reviewed the FIR and provided expert comments <br />detailing numerous deficiencies in the EIR's traffic impact analysis. In particular, the analysis <br />violates CEQA because it relies on ahypothetical baseline, ratherthan actual conditions that <br />existed at the time environmental analysis began. Asa result, the baseline traffic level is <br />significantly higher than it should be, which artificially reduced the traffic impacts created by the <br />Project when compared to the baseline levels of traffic, Mr. Smith's expert comments and CV <br />are attached hereto as Exhibit B. <br />In addition, environmental consulting firm SoillWater/Air Protection Enterprise <br />("SWAPE") has reviewed the Project, the DEIR, and the FEIR. SAFER concludes that the <br />Project's analysis and mitigation of impacts related to hazardous materials are inadequate. <br />SWAPE's expert comments, as well as the C Vs of the S WAPE's consultants who prepared the <br />comments are attached hereto as Exhibit C. <br />A revised EIR should he prepared and recirculated prior to Project approval to analyze all <br />impacts and require implementation of all feasible mitigation measures, as described more fully <br />below. <br />PROJEC]' DRSCRivrION <br />The Project is a mixed -use development that includes up to 1,150 multi -family residential <br />units and up to 90,000 square feet of commercial retail and restaurant space on a 14.58 acre site <br />in Santa Ana, California. The Project includes demolition of three existing buildings acid <br />removal of all existing improvements, landscaping, and pavement. In its place, the Project <br />would develop three mixed -use buildings, each of which would be 6-stores, acid one residential <br />building that would be 5-stories in height. Each building would have an adjacent parking <br />structure. Two parking structures would provide 7-levels of above -ground parking and two <br />would provide 6 levels of above -ground parking. In addition, the Project would also develop <br />two one-story retail/restaurant commercial buildings and a surface parking lot. The Projed <br />would provide a total of 174,555 square feet of exterior open space area, with each of the four <br />residential buildings having a recreation space that includes a pool, spa/hot tub, outdoor kitchen, <br />seating areas, fitness center, and club room. At full occupancy, the Project would house <br />approximately 2,081 residents, and the commercial space would gcnerale 320 employees <br />- <br />The Projed site is designated as Professional and Administrative Office ("PAO") it the <br />General Plan, and has a Zoning designation orl.ighl Industrial (M-1). The Project Becks to <br />change the General Plan land use designation to District Center and to change the zone to <br />Specific Development <br />'lho Pmjcct site is currently developed with three partially occupied industrial buildings, <br />parking area=, and vehicle circulation drives The buildings are currently used by various <br />lessees, including 119,121 square feet that is used by warehousing and distribution operations, <br />5,000 square foot being used for research and development, and 30,000 square feel being used as <br />75C-18 <br />