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2020-065 - Adopting Environmental Findings of Fact
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2020-065 - Adopting Environmental Findings of Fact
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The Warner Redhill Mixed -Use Project CEQA Findings of Fact <br />CBC, as included as PPP GEO-1, would reduce hazards from seismic -related ground failure, <br />including liquefaction and settlement to a less than significant level. <br />Plans, Program and Policies: <br />PPP GEO-1: CBC Compliance. As listed previously. <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not expose people or structures to potential substantial <br />adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving landslides (Draft EIR at p. 5.5- <br />9). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: The Project site ranges from approximately 57 to 65 feet msl and <br />that the site is not located within a mapped area considered potentially susceptible to seismically <br />induced slope instability. In addition, the Project site is not adjacent to any hills or slopes that <br />could be subject to a landslide. Thus, the Project site is not located within or adjacent to an <br />earthquake -induced landslide area, and the Project would not expose people or structures to <br />substantial adverse effects involving landslides, and impacts related to landslides would not occur. <br />Impact Finding: The Project would not result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil (Draft <br />EIR at p. 5.5-9). <br />Facts in Support of Findings: The City's Municipal Code Chapter 18-156, Control of Urban <br />Runoff implements the requirements of the Orange County Municipal NDPES Storm Water Permit <br />(Order No. R8-2016-0001). All projects in the City are required to conform to the permit <br />requirements, which includes installation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) in compliance with <br />the NPDES permit, which establishes minimum stormwater management requirements and controls <br />that are required to be implemented for the proposed Project. To reduce the potential for soil <br />erosion and the loss of topsoil, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required by the <br />Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) regulations to be developed by a QSD <br />(Qualified SWPPP Developer). The SWPPP is required to address site -specific conditions related <br />to specific grading and construction activities. The SWPPP is required to identify potential sources <br />of erosion and sedimentation loss of topsoil during construction, identify erosion control BMPs to <br />reduce or eliminate the erosion and loss of topsoil, such as use of silt fencing, fiber rolls, or gravel <br />bags, stabilized construction entrance/exit, hydroseeding. With compliance with the City's <br />Municipal Code, RWQCB requirements, and the BMPs in the SWPPP that is required to be <br />prepared to implement the Project, construction impacts related to erosion and loss of topsoil <br />would be less than significant. <br />In addition, the proposed Project includes installation of landscaping, such that during operation <br />of the Project substantial areas of loose topsoil that could erode would not exist. Also, the onsite <br />drainage features that would be installed by the Project have been designed to slow, filter, and <br />slowly discharge stormwater into the offsite drainage system, which would also reduce the <br />potential for stormwater to erode topsoil during Project operations. Furthermore, implementation <br />of the Project requires City approval of a site specific Water Quality Management Plan <br />(WQMP), which would ensure that the City's Municipal Code, RWQCB requirements, and <br />appropriate operational BMPs would be implemented to minimize or eliminate the potential for <br />soil erosion or loss of topsoil to occur. As a result, potential impacts related to substantial soil <br />erosion or loss of topsoil would be less than significant. <br />City of Santa Ana 14 <br />May 2020 <br />
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