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55C. ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SANTA ANA SAFE ROUTES TO <br />SCHOOL PLAN (PROJECT NO. 17-6730) — Public Works Agency <br />MOTION: Adopt a resolution. Resolution No. 2020-XXX - A RESOLUTION OF <br />THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA APPROVING THE SANTA <br />ANA SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PLAN <br />This consent Item - Resolution No. 2020-064 was approved. <br />BUSINESS CALENDAR <br />ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS - BUSINESS <br />60A. ADOPT A FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE COVID-19 RESPONSE FUNDING <br />PLAN; AUTHORIZE APPROVAL OF AGREEMENTS TO IMPLEMENT THE <br />PLAN; APPROVE AN APPROPRIATION ADJUSTMENT RECOGNIZING <br />$11,598,442 OF EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS PROGRAM COVID-19 <br />FUNDS (NON -GENERAL FUNDS) - Community Development Agency <br />1. Adopt a First Amendment to the COVID-19 Response Funding Plan for the <br />allocation, administration and implementation of federal and state funding to <br />respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic to add $11,598,442 <br />Emergency Solutions Grant Coronavirus Funds, subject to adjustment by the <br />City Manager as needed in response to shifting needs and priorities not to <br />exceed the amount of funds available (First Amendment to COVID-19 <br />Response Funding Plan). <br />2. Direct the City Attorney to finalize and authorize the City Manager to enter <br />into negotiations, execute agreements, and approve any other required <br />actions necessary with various service providers, contractors, and sub - <br />recipients, who will implement the First Amendment to the COVID-19 <br />Response Funding Plan, subject to non -substantive changes approved by the <br />City Manager and City Attorney. <br />3. Approve an appropriation adjustment. (Requires five affirmative votes). <br />APPROPRIATION ADJUSTMENT NO. 2021-010 - Recognizing a second <br />allocation of Emergency Solutions Grants Program Coronavirus funds from <br />the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in the amount of <br />$11,598,442 in revenue account and appropriating same to expenditure <br />account. <br />City Manager Kristine Ridge provided a brief presentation. <br />Motion to Approve <br />DRAFT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 104-21 AUGUST 18, 2020 <br />