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Carla Juarez spoke in opposition to Item 75B and expressed concern with the lack <br />of affordable housing in the city. <br />Diego spoke in support of the amendment to the Housing Opportunity Ordinance. <br />Brian Hendricks spoke in support of Item 75B. <br />Speaker Flores spoke in opposition of Item 75B, expressed concern with a higher <br />rent burden and urges council to vote no. <br />Ernesto Madrano with the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and <br />Construction Trades Council expressed the importance of the housing needs and <br />use of a local trained and skilled workforce. <br />Luis Andres Perez representing UA Local 582 Plumbers and Steamfitters spoke in <br />support of the amended language in Item 75B, the importance of local <br />apprenticeships perpetuating local buyers, and urges council to support the <br />amendments. <br />Steve Gallegos expressed concern with Item 75B and expressed concern with <br />public comment input. <br />Lindsey Anderson expressed concern with lack of affordable housing and various <br />other topics. , <br />- <br />Casey Hydler with Tom's Truck Center, spoke regarding reasonable fees. <br />Hilda Ortiz with Latino Health Access spoke in opposition to the proposed changes <br />in the Housing Opportunity Ordinance, expressed concern with the lack of <br />affordable housing, asked council to prioritize the needs of residents and urges <br />council to vote no on the item. <br />Tim O'Brien with Legacy Partners, spoke in support of the reduction of fees. <br />Sunti Kumjim with the Building Industry Association Orange County Chapter spoke <br />in support of the reduction of fees, and cautions against mandating any type of <br />labor in connection with the reduced fee. <br />Cesar Covarubias with the Kennedy Commission spoke regarding the need for <br />affordable housing, expressed concern with the proposal that is in contradiction <br />with the general plan and housing element and other matters. <br />Eric Nelson Vice President with the Building Industry Association Orange County <br />Chapter, spoke in support of item 75B but expressed concern with mandating any <br />type of labor in connection with the reduced fee. <br />DRAFT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 U -27 AUGUST 18, 2020 <br />