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INDUSTRIAL (M-1) TO SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT NO. 96 (SD-96) AND <br />ADOPTING SD-96 FOR SAID PROPERTY <br />4. Adopt a resolution. (Requires five affirmative votes). Resolution No. 2020- <br />XXX - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SANTA <br />ANA OVERRULING THE ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT LAND USE <br />COMMISSION'S DETERMINATION OF INCONSISTENCY FOR A MIXED - <br />USE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT LOCATED 2300, 2310 AND 2320 SOUTH <br />REDHILL WITH THE AIRPORT ENVIRONS LAND USE PLAN FOR JOHN <br />WAYNE AIRPORT, INCLUDING SUPPORTIVE FINDINGS <br />Mayor Pulido opened the public hearing at 12:43 p.m. <br />City Clerk of the Council Daisy Gomez spoke on behalf of Austin Lombard. In <br />addition, reported out on eComments received for the record. <br />Dale Helving spoke in opposition to Item 75C and expressed potential liability the <br />City would incur. <br />Tim Rush spoke in opposition to Item 75C and expressed concerns with developer. <br />John Hanna with Southwest Regional Council of Carpenters supports item, <br />developer and noted the project will create revenue for the city. <br />Steve LaMotte with Building Industry Association spoke in support of item, and <br />noted the project will add housing units and revitalize open space. <br />Nathaniel Greenside expressed concern with the lack of affordable housing units <br />in the project. <br />Speaker Jim spoke in support of the project. <br />Carla Juarez spoke regarding affordable housing availability. <br />Will Winkenhofer representing the applicant introduced himself. <br />Mayor Pulido closed the public hearing at 1:11 AM. <br />Executive Director of Planning and Building Agency Minh Thai spoke regarding <br />liability and condition of indemnification requirement. <br />Motion to Adopt <br />1. Adopt a resolution. Resolution No. 2020-065 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SANTA ANA (1) ADOPTING ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS OF FACT AND <br />A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT <br />PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, (2) CERTIFYING THE <br />DRAFT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 U -3 1 AUGUST 18, 2020 <br />