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EXHIBIT A <br />Appendix <br />ATTACHMENT <br />SCOPE OF WORK <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS <br />FOR <br />ON -CALL STORMWATER PROJECT DESIGN SERVICES <br />RFP NO. 20-102 <br />INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND <br />The City of Santa Ana is 27.2 square miles and is located in central Orange County, California. <br />Santa Ana is the most densely populated city in the county, with a total population of 338,247 and <br />approximately 12,435 people per square mile. Santa Ana sits within three major watersheds: the <br />Newport Bay watershed, the Santa Ana River watershed, and the Anaheim Bay/Huntington <br />Harbour watershed. <br />The City of Santa Ana is a co-permittee under the North Orange County Municipal Separate Storm <br />Sewer System (MS4) Permit (Order No. R8-2009-0030, as amended by Order No. R8-2010- <br />0062). The Permit presents a series of technical, legal, and regulatory challenges to the City and <br />as a result, the City has established a rigorous stormwater compliance program. The Permit <br />requires the City to reduce the discharge of pollutants in urban stormwater runoff to Waters of the <br />US to the "Maximum Extent Practicable". One of the most effective mechanisms in reducing <br />pollutants and improving surface water quality is via the construction of structural Best <br />Management Practices (BMPs). Stormwater infiltration, biotreatment, harvest and reuse, and <br />diversion to the sanitary sewer are proven methods to achieve water quality goals and the City <br />seeks to continue its proactive approach in implementing such projects. Additionally, structural <br />BMPs can provide ancillary benefits such as increasing local water supplies, reducing flooding, <br />and providing public education and recreational opportunities for Santa Ana residents. <br />The City desires to retain Civil Engineering Consultants on an as -needed or "on -call" basis to <br />design complex, regional stormwater capture and treatment projects and perform other <br />stormwater-related tasks as outlined in the Scope of Services below. Professional Services <br />Agreements will be entered into with the selected Civil Engineering Consultants and the selected <br />Consultants will be asked to provide professional engineering services proposals on a project -by - <br />project basis, based on an agreed -upon scope of services and fees. After review of the proposals <br />and associated costs, the City will issue a Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the selected Consultant to <br />begin work on the project/task. <br />Funding sources for each project may vary. The City intends to seek local, State, and Federal <br />grant moneys to fund regional stormwater projects and the selected firm shall comply with the <br />funding agency's requirements. Additionally, all work shall be done in accordance with the most <br />City of Santa Ana 4047(ribl Page Al-1 <br />