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City of Santa Ana <br />Grant Agreement No. 19-15 <br />Page 13 <br />The Conservancy or its agents may review, obtain, and copy all required records. The grantee <br />shall provide the Conservancy or its agents with any relevant information requested and shall <br />permit the Conservancy or its agents access to the grantee's premises upon reasonable notice, <br />during normal business hours, to interview employees and inspect and copy books, records, <br />accounts, and other material that may be relevant to a matter under investigation for the purpose <br />of determining compliance with this agreement and any applicable laws and regulations. <br />The grantee shall retain the required records for a minimum of three years following the later of <br />final disbursement by the Conservancy, and the final year to which the particular records pertain <br />The records shall be subject to examination and audit by the Conservancy and the Bureau of <br />State Audits during the retention periods. <br />If the grantee retains any contractors to accomplish any of the work of this agreement, the <br />grantee shall first enter into an agreement with each contractor requiring the contractor to meet <br />the terms of this section and to make the terms applicable to all subcontractors. <br />The Conservancy may disallow all or part of the cost of any activity or action that it determines <br />to be not in compliance with the requirements of this agreement. <br />COMPUTER SOFTWARE <br />The grantee certifies that it has instituted and will employ systems and controls appropriate to <br />ensure that, in the performance of this agreement, state funds will not be used for the acquisition, <br />operation or maintenance of computer software in violation of copyright laws. <br />NONDISCRIMINATION <br />During the performance of this agreement, the grantee and its contractors shall not deny the <br />agreement's benefits to any person on the basis of race, religious creed, color, national origin, <br />ancestry, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital <br />status, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or military and <br />veteran status, nor shall they discriminate unlawfully against any employee or applicant for <br />employment because of race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, physical disability, <br />mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sex, gender, gender <br />identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, or military and veteran status. The grantee <br />shall insure that the evaluation and treatment of employees and applicants for employment are <br />free of such discrimination. The grantee and contractors shall comply with the provisions of the <br />Fair Employment and Housing Act (Gov. Code § 12900 et seq.), the regulations promulgated <br />thereunder (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2, § 11000 et seq.), the provisions of Article 9.5, Chapter 1, Part <br />1, Division 3, Title 2 of the Government Code (Gov. Code §§l1135-11139.5), and the <br />regulations or standards adopted by the Conservancy to implement such article. The grantee <br />