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Exhibit B <br />Triangle Park it is an approximately 12-mile bicycle ride or hike to the mouth of the Santa Ana <br />River and Huntington State Beach, where the Santa Ana River Trail meets the California <br />Coastal Trail. <br />Site Description: The Trail is approximately 28 miles long in Orange County. Five miles of the <br />Trail runs parallel to the Santa Ana River through the City and provides bicycling and hiking <br />connections to six parks within the City. <br />The site provides access to Riverview Park and a rest stop for hikers and bicyclists along the <br />Trail and the Orange County Bicycle Trail. The property is owned by the Orange County Flood <br />Control District. The City leases the Triangle Park property from the District. The lease was <br />signed in September of 2012 for an initial ten-year period and can be renewed annually for up to <br />fifty years. <br />Grantee Qualifications: The City Recreation and Community Services Agency has received and <br />managed more than 50 million dollars in grant funding to construct new parks and renovate <br />existing parks and recreation facilities. The agency works closely with the City's Public Works <br />Department to ensure that projects are completed in a timely manner and on budget. The City's <br />senior management analyst, administrative services manager, and senior accounting staff <br />monitor project progress and expenditures, and manage project cash flow. Further, the City's <br />competitive contractor selection and bid process ensures that they hire qualified contractors and <br />require performance bonds to ensure that projects are completed on schedule and per plan <br />specifications. <br />Project History: The City completed the Santa Ana River Vision Plan in 2006. Funded by The <br />Wildlands Conservancy, the plan included a vision and goals for the Santa Ana River within the <br />City. The plan further included an opportunities and constraints analysis to develop a list of <br />potential project sites and opportunities for improving the recreational and aesthetic values of <br />the river, preserving and enhancing natural habitats, and land acquisitions while maintaining <br />flood protection and public safety. <br />The City's plan was incorporated into the Santa Ana River Parkway and Open Space Plan which <br />was completed and approved by the Coastal Conservancy in May 2018. <br />Having completed conceptual design and initial engineering plans for restoration of the project <br />site, and filed a categorical exemption under CEQA, the City is ready to proceed with final <br />design and restoration upon approval of funding. <br />PROJECT FINANCING <br />Coastal Conservancy <br />Project Total <br />$544,000 <br />$544,000 <br />The anticipated source of Conservancy funding for this project is a FY 2018/2019 appropriation <br />from the General Fund specifically to the Conservancy for projects consistent with the Santa <br />Ana River Conservancy Program. The Budget Act of 2018, Senate Bill No. 840, Chapter 29, <br />Section 3760-101-0001 (e) states that $5 million shall be available for the Santa Ana River <br />Conservancy Program. The project is consistent with the Santa Ana River Conservancy <br />Program as discussed below. <br />The initial planning and environmental review phase of the proposed project was fully funded <br />by the City of Santa Ana. <br />