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Exhibit B <br />8. Sea level rise vulnerability: The proposed project is located inland, beyond projected sea <br />level rise scenarios for the years 2050 and 2100 as determined by the Ocean Protection <br />Council's Sea -Level Rise Guidance. <br />Additional Criteria <br />9. ' Urgency: The project site has been vandalized and will continue to deteriorate creating <br />potentially hazardous conditions for Trail and Parkway visitors unless restored in the very <br />near future. <br />10. Leverage: See the "Project Financing" section above. <br />11. Readiness: Preliminary design and engineering for the proposed project is completed <br />and the City of Santa Ana is ready to proceed immediately with the final design and <br />restoration phase. <br />12. Realization of prior Conservancy goals: See "Consistency with Conservancy's 2018- <br />2022 Strategic Plan' and "Consistency with Conservancy's Project Selection Criteria & <br />Guidelines: 3) Promotion and Implementation of State Plans and Policies" sections above. <br />13. Cooperation: See "Project History" section above. <br />CEQA COMPLIANCE: <br />All components of the proposed project are categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to the <br />CEQA Guidelines at Title 14 California Code of Regulations. Section 15301 exempts <br />operation, repair, maintenance, and minor alteration of existing public facilities involving <br />negligible or no expansion of existing or former use, including alterations to existing sidewalks, <br />bicycle lanes or trails; and the restoration or rehabilitation of deteriorated or damaged structures, <br />facilities or mechanical equipment to meet current standards of public health and safety. <br />The proposed project will replace existing deteriorated and damaged amenities by restoring and <br />improving an existing public pocket park, without expanding its use. <br />Upon approval of the project, Conservancy staff will file a Notice of Exemption. <br />