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Page 6 of 53 <br />or conservation plan under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 <br />(16 U.S.C. 1531 etseq) under which the Commissioner of <br />Reclamation has implementation responsibilities; or <br />(H) to carry out any other activity <br />(i) to address any climate -related impact to the water supply of <br />the United States that increases ecological resiliency to the <br />impacts of climate change; or <br />(ii) to prevent any water -related crisis or conflict at any <br />watershed that has a nexus to a Federal reclamation project <br />located in a service area. <br />2. PUBLIC PURPOSE OF SUPPORT OR STIMULATION <br />The WEEG SA-1 Hydropower and Water Conservation Project (Project) achieves the public <br />purpose of the Act by conserving water and improving water management. <br />3. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES <br />Through WaterSMART (Sustain and Manage America's Resources for Tomorrow), Reclamation <br />leverages Federal and non -Federal funding to work cooperatively with states, tribes, and local <br />entities as they plan for and implement actions to increase water supply reliability through <br />investments and attention to local water conflicts. Working together with our stakeholders, <br />WaterSMART provides support for the Department of the Interior's priorities, including creating <br />a legacy of conservation stewardship, sustainably developing our energy and natural resources, <br />modernizing our infrastructure through public -private partnerships, and restoring trust with local <br />communities by improving relationships and communication with states, tribes, local <br />governments, communities, landowners and water users. <br />Through Water and Energy Efficiency Grants, Reclamation provides assistance to states, tribes, <br />irrigation districts, water districts, and other entities with water or power delivery authority to <br />undertake projects that result in quantifiable and sustained water savings and support broader <br />water reliability benefits. <br />The Recipient will install a 132-kilowatt (kW) hydro turbine and generator at the Garthe <br />Pumping station, which is expected to generate up to 877 megawatt -hours of power annually to <br />offset existing electrical use. The Project also includes the installation of smart irrigation <br />controllers and high -efficiency nozzles on Recipient property to reduce irrigation water use. <br />This Agreement was selected from Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA)No. <br />BOR-DO-20-F001 WaterSMART Grants: Water and Energy Efficiency Grants for Fiscal Years <br />2020 and 2021. Recipient's proposal dated October 3, 2019, is hereby incorporated by reference <br />to this Agreement. <br />Agreement No. MOAP00077 Agreement Template <br />20 C _g (03/2019) <br />