Dean Howell, PLA, ASLA (coat)
<br />Gruen Associates
<br />Landscape Architect
<br />8600 Wilshire Boulevard
<br />• 20115 Design Award — lJnbuilt Metro Division 16 Southwestern Yard} g Los Angeles, CA. Dean is the Landscap
<br />e
<br />Concept/In Construction/On
<br />Architect for the new Metro Light Rail Vehicle (LRV) operations and maintenance
<br />the Boards, Southern California
<br />facility constructed within an approximate 18-acre site. The site is bounded by Arbor
<br />Development Forum
<br />Vitae Street to the north, Neutrogena Corporation to the west, industrial buildings
<br />• 2015 AIAILA NEXT LA Merit
<br />Award, AIA Las Angeles
<br />and warehouses to the south, and the planned construction of the new Crenshaw/
<br />Chapter
<br />LAX Transit Corridor tracks to the east. The Southwestern Yard is connected to the
<br />• 2015 Design Concept Award,
<br />mainline tracks by two at -grade connections; one atthe southeastern end of the yard,
<br />45th Annual Los Angeles
<br />and the other crossing Arbor Vitae Street north of the site. Pedestrians and vehicles
<br />Awards, LA Business Council
<br />access the yard from two controlled entrances along Arbor Vitae Street. The project
<br />Vasquez Rocks Natural Area
<br />received LEED Silver certification.
<br />Park Interpretive Center
<br />• 2015 Civic Award, 45th Annual
<br />Metro Division 20 New Maintenanceof Way/Non-Revenue Vehicle Maintenance
<br />Los Angeles Awards, Los
<br />Angeles Business Council
<br />Building61S and Parts Storage Expansion, Los Angeles, CA. Dean is the
<br />g � � g }
<br />• 2014 Silver Commercial Real
<br />Landscape Architect for the new86,500SF, $55 Million operations and Maintenance
<br />Estate Award, San Fernando
<br />rail facilities, Westside Subway Extension Building 61S. Major program functions
<br />Valley Business Journal
<br />include vehicle and rail maintenance bays, machine shop and fabrication room,
<br />• California Park &
<br />Recreation Society (CPRS)
<br />shipping and receiving, high -density parts storage, engineering offices, and employee
<br />Award of Excellence
<br />locker and break rooms. The Parts Storage Expansion adds to the existing Fleet
<br />• 2013 Citation Award for Design
<br />Services Maintenance Facility and includes a high -density storage system. The goal
<br />Excellence, AIA San Fernando
<br />of the landscape design was to soften the maintenance facility facade with climbing
<br />Valley
<br />• 2013 SEAOSC Merit Award,
<br />vines, POp and to accent architectural features with structural species and s of color.
<br />Sustainable Design, Structural
<br />The project received LEED Gold certification. The project is located near the Los
<br />Engineers Association of SoCal
<br />Angeles River.
<br />John Thomas Dye Academic Building Los Angeles River Valley Bikeways and Greenways Design Completion
<br />• 2014 Quality of Life Merit Project, Los Angeles, CA. Dean is the Landscape Architect and Project Manager
<br />Award, American Society of for a project to complete a bikeway and greenway concept along the Los Angeles
<br />Landscape Architects (ASLA), River in the San Fernando Valley. This will include a bike path, a pedestrian path,
<br />Southern California Chapter landscaping, bioswales, signage, interpretive elements, furnishings, fencing and
<br />Metro Mid-City/Expo Corridor additional improvementsfor 12 miles of the 51-mile-long river.
<br />Light Rail Transit Project
<br />• 2012 Transportation Facilities Pepperdine University Athletic and Events Center, Malibu, CA. Gruen Associates
<br />Design Award from the ASLA, Southern California Chapter is the Executive Architect and Landscape Architect for the new Student Recreation
<br />and Events Center for Pepperdine's Malibu campus. The goal was to develop a
<br />Metro Orange Line Canoga landscape with a design and choice of plants that offered the best defensible space
<br />Extension PE Transportation and enhanced the overall aesthetics of the project. Itwas imperativewhen developing
<br />Corridor in the wildfire -prone area that fire safety be or factor in landscape
<br />• 2013 Community Impact Award p Y a major design.
<br />of Excellence, Los Angeles
<br />Business Council Morongo Band of Mission Indians Administrative Complex,
<br />• 2013 Large Transit Project Banning, CA. Designed with predominately native and sustainable planting, the
<br />Tr the Year, California ro ect's contemporary complex reflects Morongo tribal artistic and environmental
<br />Transportation Foundation p 1 po ry p g
<br />(CTF) awareness through a native and sustainable landscape setting. Dean was
<br />• 2012 Project Team of the Year, responsible for the schematic presentation sketches, conceptual landscape and
<br />AIA San Fernando Valley construction documents.
<br />City of Santa Ana
<br />RFP for Space Planning and Architectural Consulting Service 3a GRUENASSCCIATES
<br />RFP No. 20-040 25G -355 ,idol IITLCTLFIL PLXTVAo NTLFIOTS Lah050A'--
<br />