Laserfiche WebLink
data to flow between the Customer's Systems and Sensus' Managed Systems in a secure manner via the public Internet. <br />Iv. Upon receiving the system administrator account from Sensus, Customer shall create usemame and passwords for each of Customer's authorized <br />users and complete the applicable Sensus registration process (Authorized Users). Such usemames and passwords will allow Authorized Users to <br />access the Appllcatlon(s). Customer shall be solely responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of each user ID and password pair <br />associated with Customer's account, and Sensus will not be liable for any loss, damage or Ilabllity arising from Customer's account or any user ID and <br />password pairs associated with Customer. Customer Is fully responsible for all acts and omissions that occur through the use of Customer's account and <br />any user ID and password pairs. Customer agrees (1) not to allow anyone other than the Authorized Users to have any access to, or use of Customers <br />account or any user ID and password pairs at any time; (II) to notify Sensus immediately of any actual or suspected unauthorized use of Customer's <br />account or any of such user ID and password pairs, or any other breach or suspected breach of security, restricted use or coMidentalily; and (Ili) to take <br />the Sensus-recommended steps to log out from and otherwise exit the Application(s) and Managed Systems at the and of each session. Customer <br />agrees that Sensus shall be entitled to rely, without Inquiry, on the validity of the user accessing the Applications) application through Customers <br />account, account ID, usemames or passwords. <br />v. Customer shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Applicallon(s) and FlexNet System. This includes, without limitation, (1) researching <br />problems with meter reads and system performance, (II) creating and managing user accounts, (lit) customizing application configurations, Qv) <br />supporting application users, (v) Investigating application operational Issues, (vl) responding to alarms and notifications, and (vii) performing over -the -air <br />commands (such as firmware updates or configuration changes), <br />D. Software Solution Components. <br />I. Description of Software Solutions. Sensus software consists of a core communication module and a set of applications. Some applications are <br />required to perform basic solution capabilities, other applications are optional and add additional capabli les and function to the overall solution. As <br />Customer's business process expands andlor new Sensus offerings are made avallable, additional applications and functionality can dynamically be <br />added to the solution, provided Customer purchases such additional applications, <br />IL Regional Network Interface. The Regional Network Interface (RNI) or Sensus head -end is the centralized Intelligence of the FlexNet network; the RNI's <br />primary objective is to transfer endpoint (such as meters) data to the Customer and the advanced feature applications. The RNI Is adaptable to <br />Customer configurations by simultaneously supporting a wile range of FWNet enabled endpoints; Including but not limited to meters (electric, water, <br />gas), street lighting, and Home Area Network devices. <br />a. Core Package <br />(1) Communication <br />1. Manages all Inbound and outbound traffic to and from endpoints <br />2. Outbound routing optimization <br />3. Route analyzer <br />4. AES256 bit encryption of radio messages <br />5. Reports and metric detalb of network performance and troubleshooting aids <br />6. Management of RF equipment (base stations and endpoint radios) <br />(if) Data Collection <br />1. Missing read management <br />2. Management of duplicate reads <br />3. 60 day temporary storage <br />(111) Application integration <br />1. To Sensus Analytics applications <br />2. Enable V party application integration <br />3. Batch CMEP file export <br />4. Real-time access throughMultiSpeak <br />(Iv) Endpoint Management <br />1. Gas, water, electric, lighting concurrent support <br />2. Remote configuration <br />3. Remote firmware updates <br />4. Reports, metrics and Troubleshooting <br />(v) User Management <br />1. Secure access <br />2. Password management <br />3. Definable user roles <br />4. User permissions to manage access to capabilities <br />b. Integration of RNI. Sensus shall provide RNI Integration support services to Customer only to the extent specifically provided below: <br />(1) Sensus shall meet with the representative from the Customers system(s) targeted for integration to determine which Integration method is <br />appropriate (e.g„ Mukispeak, CMEP, etc.). <br />1. In scope and Included Integration efforts: Provide the gateway URts to the Integrating system as needed, provide Customer with <br />standard integration API documentation, validate and test that the cored Customerinfornation Is flowing Into and/or out of the RNI. <br />2. Out of scope and subject to additional charges: Modifications or extensions to the standard API provided by Sensus and any Integration <br />efforts not outlined above as in scope and Included. <br />(11) Customer Responsibllfiies: <br />1. Provide Sensus with Information about the relevant Information Customer wishes to transfer and Integrate with the RNI. <br />2, Establish the network and security required for the two systems to reasonably communicate. <br />3. Verify Integration to third party system functionality Is working as Intended. <br />(Ili) If an Item is not listed in subparagraph (1) above, such item is excluded from the Integration of Sensus RNI Support and Is subject to additional <br />pricing. <br />3. Third Party SoHware, <br />A. ReclHat hinux.lf Sensus is providing Customerwith a license to use RedHat Unux Software, Customer agrees to the following: <br />.Confidential ( Page 11 of 14 <br />