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Council Member. Phil Bacerta <br />®Yes <br />❑No <br />[]Yes <br />[]No <br />Council Member. Juan Villages <br />®Yes <br />[]No <br />❑Yes <br />ONO <br />Council Member. Nelida Mendoza <br />Was <br />❑No <br />❑Yes <br />ONO <br />Council Member: <br />❑Yes <br />[]No <br />❑Yes <br />❑No <br />Council Member. <br />❑Yes <br />❑No <br />❑Yes <br />❑No <br />Council Member. <br />❑Yes <br />❑No <br />[]Yes <br />[]No <br />8. <br />Alien Ownership Questions ('dthe answer is Yes, provide an attachment explaining the circumstances) <br />1 Is the Customer/Lessee aforei n govemmentorthe representativeofany foreigngovernment.? I ❑Yes ®No <br />9. <br />Basic Qualification Information <br />1) Has the Customer or any party to this application had any FCC station authorization, license, or construction permit <br />revoked or had any application for an initial, modification or renewal of FCC station authorization, license or construction <br />❑Yes ®No <br />permit denied by the Commission? <br />2) Has the Customer or any party to this filing, or any party directly or Indirectly controlling the Customer or any party to <br />❑Yes ®No <br />this filing ever been convicted of a fislony by any state or federal court? <br />3) Has any court finally adjudged the Customer or any party directly or indirectly controlling the Customer guilty of <br />unlawfully monopolizing or attempting to unlawfully monopolize radio Communication, directly or indirectly, through control <br />[]Yes ®No <br />of manufacture or sale of radio apparatus, exclusive traffic anangement, or any other means or unfair methods of <br />competition? <br />10, <br />CustomedLessee Certification Statements <br />1 The Customer/Lessee agrees that the Lease is not a sale or transfer of the license itself. <br />®Yes <br />2) The CustomerAmsee acknowledges that it is required to comply with the Commission's Rules and Regulations and <br />other applicable law at all times, and g the Customer/Lessee fails to so comply, the Lease may be revoked, cancelled, or <br />®Yes <br />terminated by either the Licensee or the Commission. <br />3) The CustomerlLessee certifies that neither it nor any other party to the Application/Notification Is subject to a denial of <br />Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anfi-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.0 § 862, because of a conviction for <br />®Yea <br />possession or distribution of a controlled substance (See Section 1.2002(b) of the rules, 47 CFR § 1.2002(b), for the <br />definition of "party to the application" as used in this ceNfication. <br />4) The Customer/Lessee hereby accepts Commission oversight and enforcement Consistent with the license and lease <br />authorization. The Lessee acknowledges that it must cooperate fully with any investigation or inquiry conducted either by <br />the Commission or the Licensee, allow the Commission or the Licensee to conduct on -she inspections of transmission <br />®Yes <br />facilities, and suspend operations at the direction of the Commission or the Licensee and to the extent that such <br />suspension of operation would be consistent with applicable Commission polloles. <br />5) The Custom r/Lessee acknowledges that in the event an authorization held by a Licensee that has associated with it a <br />spectrum leasing arrangement that is the subject of this filing is revoked, cancelled, terminated, or otherwise ceases to be <br />in effect, the Customer/Lessee will have no continuing authority to use the leased spectrum and will be required to <br />®Yes <br />terminate its operations no later than the date on which the Licensee ceases to have any authority to operate under the <br />license, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission. <br />6) The Customer/Lessee agrees the Lease shall not be assigned to any entity that is not eligible or qualified to enter into a <br />®Yea <br />spectrum leasing arrangement under the Comm'sslon's Rules and Regulators. <br />7)The Customer/Lessee waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as <br />against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whether by spectrum lease or <br />®Yes <br />otherwise. <br />8) The Customer/Lessee cedit that it is not In default on any payment for Commission licenses and that it is not <br />®Yes <br />delinquent on any non -tax debt owed to any federal agency. <br />The Customer/Lessee certifies that all of its statements made in this Application/Notification and in the schedules, exhibits, attachments, or <br />documents incorporated by reference are material, are part of this Application/Notification, and are true, complete, correct, and made in good faith. <br />The CUstDmer/Lessee shall notify Sensus in writing in the event any infomaton supplied on this form changes. <br />CRY OF SANTA ANA CA <br />BY: <br />a 5 G� <br />Title: (r PW pT- <br />Name: <br />a161l a <br />Date: %.L <br />FAILURE TO SIGN THIS APPLICATION MAY RESULT IN DISMISSAL OF THE APPLICATION AND FORFEITURE OF ANY FEES PAID. <br />WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON THIS FORM OR ANY ATTACHMENTS ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE ANDIOR IMPRISONMENT (US. Cod%Thle 18, Seatim 1W1) ANDIOR <br />REVOCATION OF ANY STATION LICENSE OR CONSTRUCTION PERNtT(U.S. Code, Tide 47, Se Wan 312(a)(1))ANDIOR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code Tide 47, Seeder 503). <br />Confidential I Page 3 of 14 <br />