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vo <br />Villy �� �1 I, II <br />Y„!�o-�/��11, �'�l�o�. PI �l� �I� ��U11� ',�`I'k,N,7f 7� Ilf S <br />The minimum information to be provided from the CIS will include the following: <br />SmartWorks <br />Compass <br />METERS: List of meters with identifiers, meter types, etc. X <br />METER COORDINATES: Meter latitude and longitude information X <br />LOCATION: List of location(account) numbers, service addresses X <br />METER LOCATION: A date -driven cross reference between meter and X <br />location number (i.e. when a meter is installed and removed from a <br />location) <br />METER CONNECTION STATUS: State of the meter (ON/OFF) X <br />METER ALIAS: Descriptive information related to the meter, combining X <br />meter/location attributes <br />BILLING SCHEDULE: Cycle/Route schedule indicating billing period and X <br />reading period <br />*It is expected that when a radio is installed or removed from a meter, a cross reference between meter <br />ID and associated radio ID will be maintained in the CIS and provided during DataSync. <br />This integration will be established using a database view that will be created by the CIS based on <br />customer input and queried by SmartWorks Software. Depending on Customer requirements, the <br />synchronization will occur between 1 to 3 times per day and will be scheduled to occur after the Customer <br />database has been updated. <br />Note: It is therefore assumed that a direct integration will be made between the AMI head end system <br />and the CIS for the purpose of meter provisioning. It is expected that Customer and AMI provider will <br />work collaboratively to develop this integration. <br />„na 2, Billing Im°m°I:erface (MoIIItlCpeak") <br />Customer will initially bill using register reads, not time -based determinants for most meters. <br />S&S enQuesta and SmartWorks Software will use a MultiSpeak® web service (synchronous SOAP call) <br />call to request and receive the latest available read. S&S enQuesta v.6.0 will apply the correct rate to <br />each register. <br />It is assumed that all reads required for the purpose of billing will be provided by the AMI system. Should <br />siniam"""tworks Coin°compass be required to perform calculation (e.g. Power Factor, Peak Demand, TOU, Net <br />Billing), the services can be brought into scope using the Change Management process described in <br />section 4.3. <br />3,23, Reimmmote Meter° Action Init'lat'lon froilryi CIS <br />Provide the ability for a user to use the CIS to initiate a remote meter action (On Demand read, Remote <br />Connect/Disconnect) <br />City of Santa Ana—SmartWorks Statement of Work <br />2 6 H —67 Page 60 <br />