Laserfiche WebLink
vo <br />Iry 011, <br />�� �1 I, II <br />Y„!�o-�/��11, �'�l�o�. PI �l� �I� ��UII� ',�`I'k,N,7f 7� Ilf S <br />,1 . Cris'tomsuer Portal <br />The Harris Software will integrate with S&S to provide hourly interval read data to for the purpose of <br />displaying interval reads to CSRs and to the Customer's portal. This integration will be done using <br />supported MS4.1 MultiSpeak Method. <br />3 .1,, Base Map <br />The SmartWorks Software will be configured so that meter data will be overlaid on top of one or more <br />ESRI "Base Maps" via URL live link. With this capability, the Customer will be able to view meter data <br />together with their other data layers within SmartWorks Software. <br />Customer will create URL and provide a custom base map to SmartWorks for configuration of Me°terSeuris e. <br />This scope of integration assumes Customer is hosting ESRI on a web server and can provide a URL. <br />The SmartWorks Software will integrate weather data services with daily feed of observed weather data <br />received from the Weather Network weather station determined to be closest to Customer's location. <br />The following weather data, if provided by the weather station, will be imported into SmartWorks <br />Software: <br />• Temperature (Hourly) <br />• Humidity (Hourly) <br />• Wind Speed (Hourly) <br />• Wind Direction (Hourly) <br />• Weather Conditions (Hourly) <br />• Precipitation (Daily) <br />This data is automatically downloaded from SmartWorks' data provider for a weather station or stations <br />in the Customer's service area and is automatically inserted into the SmartWorks Software database. <br />City of Santa Ana—SmartWorks Statement of Work <br />2 6 H —69 Page 62 <br />