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Police Review Commission 2019 Annual Report Page 21 <br />Surveillance Technology Use & Community Safety Ordinance <br />The aim of the Surveillance Technology Use & Community Safety Ordinance is to provide <br />public discussions of potential intrusions into civil liberties and privacy rights implicated by <br />using a particular surveillance technology, to ensure that any such intrusions are <br />outweighed by the benefits of that technology. The City Council adopted this ordinance in <br />2018 based on a PRC proposal and, in late 2019, the City Manager made her first report <br />to the Council under the Ordinance. In advance of the City Manager's report, the Police <br />Chief sent acquisition and use policies for three surveillance technologies (body -worn <br />cameras, automated license plate readers, and GPS trackers) to the PRC for review. The <br />PRC reviewed the three surveillance technologies with the balancing test in mind and <br />submitted its input to the Council. <br />Fair & Impartial Policing <br />Addressing apparent race -based disparities in policing outcomes continues to be a focus <br />of the PRC. In November, Mayor Arreguin established a Working Group on Fair & Impartial <br />Policing, naming a variety of stakeholders, including community members, academics, <br />and police department personnel, to the body. PRC Commissioners Calavita, Mizell, and <br />Ramsey were appointed to this working group, and Commissioner Ramsey was selected <br />to be its chairperson. This group is tasked with analyzing relevant information and <br />developing a departmental action plan to address disparities in police stops, searches, <br />use of force, and yield rate from stops, and to build a foundation for a subsequent <br />community process to build trust between Berkeley Police and the community. The <br />working group plans to complete its work in 2020. <br />Spit Hoods <br />A BPD policy that received particular scrutiny was Policy 302, Handcuffing and Restraints, <br />as some argued that the provision for using spit hoods should be banned as unnecessary <br />and inhumane. The PRC recommended a policy allowing the use of spit hoods, with some <br />modifications, while also endorsing the BPD's commitment to crisis intervention training <br />(CIT) and de-escalation tactics, and use other methods of restraint when possible. The <br />City Council was asked to weigh in on the use of spit hoods, but could not agree on a <br />policy change. The BPD issued Policy 302 with the PRC's recommendations. <br />65D-38 <br />