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Contracts / Agreements
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SCANTRON,. <br />Additional Quote Terms: <br />Pricing is valid for 30 days from dale on this quote, unless extended in writing by Scantron. <br />Pricing does not include sales tax or shipping, if applicable. <br />Payment terms are net 30 with a valid purchase order (on approved credit), or pre -paid with a credit card <br />All Quotes/Proposals are subject to product availability. Scantron reserves the right to cancel the quote in the <br />event the requested product is or becomes unavailable. <br />All products will be shipped F.0.8. Origin <br />If Customer requests changes to the scope of the project, Scantron reserves the right to make related changes to price, <br />hardware, software or services, and to adjust deliverable dates. <br />Fees for services not scheduled within 9 months of invoice date will be forfeited, unless extended in writing by <br />Scantron. <br />In addition to the terms set forth herein, all sales in this quote shall be governed by Scantron Corporation's Terms and <br />Conditions of Sale attached hereto as Exhibit A ("Terms and Conditions"). <br />Scantron provides a limited warranty for Scantron products and services as further detailed in the Terms and <br />Conditions. Independent third party products are supplied by Scantron "AS -IS". The third party may have a separate warranty <br />and support terms that apply (e.g., ABBYY's Flexicapture software Is subject to an end user license <br />agreement, a copy of which is located at http:/ THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY CONTAINED IN THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY TO THIS QUOTE <br />AND STATE IN PART THAT SCANTRON SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL <br />OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, AND THAT SCANTRON'S ENTIRE LIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIM ARISING <br />FROM RELATED TO THIS QUOTE WILL NOT EXCEED THE LESSER OF (i) THE FEES PAID TO SCANTRON <br />FOR THE APPLICABLE ITEM WHICH IS THE BASIS FOR THE CLAIM, OR (11) THE FEES PAID TO SCANTRON <br />FOR THE APPLICABLE ITEM WHICH IS THE BASIS FOR THE CLAIM DURING THE TWELVE (12) MONTH <br />PERIOD IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE OCCURRENCE OF THE EVENT GIVING RISE TO THE CAUSE OF <br />ACTION. <br />The terms of any Customer Issued purchase order or any other communication which are additional to or <br />inconsistent with this quote are not binding unless expressly agreed to in writing by Scantron. <br />Custo er's agreement with the terms of this quote shall be Indicated by either a signature hereon, or by issuance <br />of a purchase order confirming Customer's intent to purchase the products and/or services included on this quote. <br />Once acc4pted by Scantrom all sales in this quote are final <br />This Agreement shall commence on November 12, 2020 ("Effective Date") and shall remain in effect until it expires as provided in <br />Section 7 of the Terms and Conditions. <br />The parties acknowledge that Scantron provided new equipment and services to the Customer on March 13, 2020 and March 27, 2020 <br />after the previous Agreement between the parties expired and that there is outstanding invoices in the amount totaling $7,977.28 <br />("Outstanding Compensation") for the equipment and services rendered on those dates as set forth in Invoices Nc. 3162170 & No. <br />7117952 in Exhibit B, identified herein and incorporated herein by this reference. In no event shall the total compensation and costs <br />payable to Scantron, under this Agreement, exceed the sum of the Outstanding Compensation. <br />1313 Lone Oak Road, Eagan, AN 55121 1 800 722.68/6 1 <br />SMART STARTS HERE <br />
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