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EXHIBIT C <br />California Governor's office of Emergency Services <br />Standard Assurances <br />(For All Cal OES Federal Grant Programs) <br />As the duly authorized representative of the Applicant, I hereby certify that the <br />Applicant has the legal authority to apply for Federal assistance and the institutional, <br />managerial and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay any non -Federal share <br />of project cost) to ensure proper planning, management and completion of the project <br />described in this application, within prescribed timelines. <br />I further acknowledge that the Applicant is responsible for reviewing and adhering to <br />all requirements within the: <br />(a) Applicable Federal Regulations (see below); <br />(b) Federal Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO); <br />(c) Federal Preparedness Grants Manual; <br />(d) California Supplement to the NOFO; and <br />(e) Federal and State Grant Program Guidelines. <br />Federal Regulations <br />Government cost principles, uniform administrative requirements and audit requirements for <br />federal grant programs are housed in Title 2, Part 200 of the Code of Federal Regulations <br />(CFR) and in updates issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on <br />http•// <br />Significant state and federal grant award requirements (some of which appear in the <br />documents listed above) are called out below. The Applicant hereby agrees to comply <br />with the following: <br />1. Proof of Authority <br />The Applicant will obtain written authorization from the city council, governing board or <br />authorized body in support of this project. This written authorization must specify that the <br />Applicant and the city council, governing board or authorized body agree: <br />(a) To provide all matching funds required for said project and that any cash match will be <br />appropriated as required. <br />(b) Any liability arising out of the performance of this agreement shall be the responsibility <br />of the Applicant and the city council, governing board or authorized body. <br />(c) Grant funds shall not be used to supplant expenditures controlled by the city council, <br />governing board or authorized body. <br />(d) The official executing this agreement is, in fact, authorized to do so. <br />This Proof of Authority must be maintained on file and readily available upon request. <br />2. Period of Performance <br />The Applicant will initiate work after approval of the award and complete all work within the <br />period of performance specified in the grant. <br />3. Lobbying and Political Activities <br />As required by Section 1352, Title 31 of the United States Code (U.S.C.), for persons <br />entering into a contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement from an agency or requests <br />or receives from an agency a commitment providing for the United States to insure or <br />Initials <br />