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CARL LaPLANTE PROJE CT MANAGER <br />Mr. LaPiame will serve as Project Director and Contract Liaison for your effort. He has led formation of <br />four software development and systems onginecring services companies. Repossesses forty years <br />experience in leadership and leading -edge technology positions, for large and small firms, building <br />organizational infrastructures while constantly interacting directly with military and civilian client <br />management and technical ponsonael. He has lets Sierra Cybernetics from being strictly a provider of <br />military software systems to a fully integrated systems solution provider and IT staffing services firm to <br />private industry, local government agencies, U.S. and foreign military clients. <br />Sierra Cybernetics President 1981-Present <br />Mr. LaPlante founded Siena to provide systems engineering and software development services. Sierra's <br />focus has evolved from developing military test and evaluation software to being a recognized IT staffing <br />services provider and developer and integrator of custom software systern solutions in the areas of - <br />In fornatica technology for state and local government agencies. <br />Document image management systems for private industry. <br />Command -and -control decision aids and intelligence analysis for the Army, Navy, Air Force, and <br />Marine Corps. <br />From our headquarters' site in Orange County, CA, Sierra's staff of more than forty professionals fulfills <br />the corporate mission to provide quality IT staffing, software integration services, and innovative <br />computer -based products for information management applications. Mr. LaNante has led projects for <br />clients including all U.S. military branches, many city and local government agencies, Lockheed Martin, <br />San Francisco Department of Building Inspection, South Coast Air Quality Management District, <br />Lawrence Livermore Laboratories„ University of California, Berkeley, and The WaR Disney Company, <br />Prom 1973-1981, Mr. LaPlante served as a Consulting Engineer to the following five fauns. <br />Software and Management Systems 1980-1981 <br />Developer of user interface and records management software for a personnel records system for <br />Jordanian Army. Provided on -site business process analysis for Abu Dhabi National Oil Company. <br />Logicon/Eagle Technology 1977.1981 <br />U.S. Government's software representative in -plant at Hughes Aircraft during development ofjoint <br />ArnryfMarine Corps Position Location Reporting System (PLRS) and Enhanced PLRS (L-'PLRS). <br />Reported to military and government officials regarding software technical, quality, and schedule matters. <br />Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics Electronics, S'YSCON 1.973-1977 <br />Software developer on electronic warfare, undersea surveillance, intelligence messaging systems. <br />Litton Industries Software Developer /Technical Director 1967-1973 <br />Directed software development within Combat Information Center on Navy's DD-963 (Spruancc-class) <br />destroyers and Air Force Satellite Control Facility connmand-and-control and tracking systems. <br />Lockheed Missiles and Space Company Associate Engineer 1966-1967 <br />Software developer for Air Force satellite launch sequence command -and -control at Vandenberg APB <br />and for data analysis from classified satellite reconnaissance missions. <br />EDUCATION: Stanford University, B.S., Mathematics, 1966 <br />Post -graduate studies in Statistics and Operations Research <br />U.S. Army War Cal lege, National Security Participant, 1998 <br />SIERRA Sag SC20.011 <br />CYBERNETICS Santa Aaa IT Professional Services <br />