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3.iv Sierra Depth of Similar Experience <br />We have been providing 1T staff augmentation services since 2005. The fallowing charts depict <br />our progression, clients, and types of services. Nearly all placements have been to public sector <br />agencies. <br />Skill Sot <br />0 Tompornry <br />S_oivice &mpioyees Placed <br />2007 <br />2008 <br />2009 <br />2010 <br />2011 <br />2012 <br />2013 <br />2014 <br />2015 <br />2016 <br />2017 <br />2019 <br />2019 <br />Information Technology <br />(Systems Analysts, DBAs, <br />Application Architects, <br />10 <br />9 <br />10 <br />11 <br />13 10 <br />9 <br />l7 <br />21 <br />24 <br />26 <br />31 <br />42 <br />soRwaru Davelopm, Web <br />spec(aHsis, System <br />1 <br />Adminiatrntors, PMs, <br />BW, QA, CM, Vesktop <br />Supporl, WAN/LAN <br />We can provide people in each of the seven technology categories shown in Section IILC of your <br />RF'P. We have provided a variety of as -needed IT personnel to the agencies identified in the <br />following list. These personnel have included technical specialties as defined in year F:CP. <br />(Abbreviations following: SBC = San Bernardino County, Pas = Pasadena, LASC m Los Angeles <br />Superior Court, Sac = Sacramento County, AQMD-t South Coast Air Quality Management <br />District, OCSC = Orange County Superior Court, POLA = Port of Los Angeles, POLB � Port of <br />Long Beach, JCC = Judicial Council of California, SA = Santa Ana) <br />Applications & Development Services <br />Systems Analyst - SBC, Pas <br />• Programmer/Developer (.NET -C#, VB.NET) - LASC, Sac <br />* Web Developer {.NETIPIIP) - LASC, AQMD <br />• Database Administrator (MS SQL, Oracle) - LASC, OCSC <br />• Document Imaging Application Specialist - City of Orange, Walt Disney, AQMD <br />• Business Intelligence Speccialist - POLE <br />• Mobile App Developer (iOS & Android OS) - None <br />Project Management & Business Analysis <br />IT Business Analyst (with municipal governinient experience) - SBC, Pas, LASC, POLA <br />• Project Lead (for deployment of purchased software application) - SBC, POLA <br />Technology Consultant for specialized applications - OCSC <br />System Evaluation & Selection Consultant - LASC <br />GIS Services <br />GIS Administrator - SA <br />• GIS Analyst -- Fresno County <br />• GIS Intern-AQMD <br />Network & Telecommunications Services <br />• Infrastructure Architect - JCC, SA <br />= Network Engineer - SA <br />SIERRA 3_8 SC20•01I <br />/r Santa Ana IT Professional Services <br />CYBERNETICS <br />