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or qualification. Sierra can provide each of the above capablPfles (although emergency <br />24 hour response would generally need to be litnited to providing current staff personnel <br />at the tune of the incident). See Section <br />x. Description of Proposer's methods used to identify potential candidates. See these sub- <br />sections cruder Section <br />a. Unique Sierra ,strengths <br />b. Recruitment <br />c, JoblPerson Match <br />xi. Description of Proposer's methods used to screen candidates and to snatch their <br />qualifications against the requirements of a City job assignment.. See these sub -sections <br />under Section <br />a. Unique Sierra Strengths <br />b, Security Requirements <br />c. Recruilmenl <br />d, Verifying Education, Skills, and Other Qualifleations <br />c, Documenting ]tight-to-Glr'orkc+nd Employing Now, Personnel <br />f JWPerson Match <br />xii. Description of Proposer's methods used to assess and contirni candidate's technology <br />skills/knowledge, experience, work habits, interpersonal skills, etc, See these .sub- <br />sections under Section <br />a. VerifyingEducalior7, Skills, and Other Qualicatiom <br />b. Providing Reference Cheeks <br />xiii. Description of Proposer's methods used to establish candidates availnbility with respect <br />to the project schedule of the City assignment. We always sped the assignment <br />duration expectatlon, both in the initial contact with a candidate and itr the final offer <br />letter or consulting agreement, <br />xiv. Description of proposer's process for conducting staff evaluations. See this subsection <br />under Section <br />a. Petfbrnrance.4ppraisal <br />xv. Explanation of any trabiing opportunities made available by the Proposer for technology <br />personnel engaged with the City. See this sub section under Section <br />a. Retention --Professional Treatment <br />xvi. Explanation of any effort the Proposer takes to ensure that the technology knowledge and <br />skills of its staff engaged with the City are maintained and refreshed during long term <br />engagements with the City. See this sub -section under Section <br />u Retenlionā€”Piļæ½ofessionalTreatraent <br />SC2a-011 <br />/ STUIFItRA 4-2 <br />R RNgTtC:S Santa Ann IT professional services <br />