Laserfiche WebLink
Ponnysaver USA (312014 to V2014) <br />actrncLoaias utlliza¢, CA .NET, VB.N€T, Classlo ASP, Websorvkes, SQL Sarver <br />2008R2, HTAIL, CSS, Bootstrap, Javescript andJQuary. <br />• Meetings with key stakeholders to gather requirements <br />• Designed wlreframes using Balsamiq <br />• Utlllzed Jlira to store user stories <br />IT Action (1112013 to $12014) <br />r. W2 tos UYNzod: C$, , NET, VB.N1;T; CleaslcASP, Websorvkes, SQL Server <br />2008R2, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascrpt and JQuery, <br />+ Redesign 132B website and revamp front and tomodornize UI <br />Made design decisions for now UI <br />+ Made technology platform decisions for new application and modernized <br />UI <br />+ Hardled server setup for deploying applications for new Customers <br />• Wrote wabselulces code In C4 to return and consurno data <br />+ Utilized responsive design techniques on ail pages, <br />+ Wrote enhancements to,NET application that utilized VB.NET <br />Did maintenance coding on a Classic ASP web application <br />Wrote stored procedures, designed tables and designed viows in SQL <br />Sal200BR2 <br />• Utilize Bootstrap, JQuery UI, dduery, and various front and tools In <br />design a clean and modern Interface <br />* Utilized ASP.NEr security framework to control user access to sties. <br />Hoopers 1lookup (612013 to Present) <br />TochoWooles gtllrzad: PHP, WordPress, eCommarca, MrSQL, HTML, CSS, <br />Javascript and JQuery. <br />+ Took graphlo comps and turned learn Into functioning web pagan. <br />• Wrote WordPress widgets to dlaplay content In a flexible manner. <br />• Fully customized WordPress theme to meetcttant requirements <br />Managed MySQLdatabase <br />+ Managed eCornmeroe Interface <br />• Utilized responsive design techniques on all pages. <br />• Wrote custom WordPress pluglns <br />Verys (912013 to 1112013) <br />rhnolparps.a 1 aU• Ck .NET, OaMffiloke, MVC 3.0, SQI. Server260BR2, <br />PHP, WordPress, MySQL, wabservicns, HTML, CSS, Javascript and JQuery. <br />+ Took graphic camps and turned them Into functioning web pages. <br />+ Wrote WordPress widgets to display content In a Flexible manner. <br />• Utlllzed responsive design techniques on all pages. <br />• Wrote enhancements to .NET application that utilized Cft and <br />DotNell <br />• Wrote stored procedures InSOLServer2008R2 <br />$id Sold (812013 to 912013) <br />Tarlft nMakts atlRznd: PHP, MysQL, HTML, CSS, Responsive Design, Javascript <br />and JQuary. <br />Turned existing wobalte Into a responsive design that enabled viewing <br />on any size device. <br />• Modified CSS to work as size of window area changed. <br />Modified JQuery and Javascript to handle issues that cannot be handled <br />via CSS. <br />+ Tested all changes done for responsiveness. <br />Pharmsys {1212012 to V20113) <br />Techna/Mrlaa utfffzad. C#, .NET, MVC3.0, SQL Sarver 2008R2, HTW CSS. <br />Javascript and JQdary. <br />Developed pharmacaulical representative compliance website <br />+ Utilized MVC 3,0 And Razor to create application flow <br />+ Wrote code in CM <br />Utilized t1TML and CSS to make front-end look presentabfe <br />+ Did all validation using Javascript and JQuary <br />Integrated Tolerik controls Into the site. <br />+ Wrote scripts to modify SOL200BR2database structure <br />SIERRA CYi3)yRN}s l'ICS 4_9 SC20-011 <br />YBrSanta. Ana IT Professional Sarvices <br />f; <br />