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Emergency Operations <br />This course focuses on EOC Management and <br />$11,083 <br />Center (EOC) Management <br />Operations. Content includes Multiagency <br />and Operations G775 <br />Coordination, EOC design, how to staff, <br />activate and deactivate an EOC. <br />Performance Objectives <br />- Multiagency Coordination Systems (MACS) <br />and where EOCs fit into MACS per NIMS <br />- Factors to consider when staffing the EOC and <br />ways to organize staff <br />- NIMS requirements for interoperable and <br />redundant communications <br />- EOC information needs and equipment to <br />support those needs <br />- Analyze current EOC functions and alternate <br />EOCs <br />- Processes to activate and deactivate the EOC <br />- ICS/EOC interface <br />- Training and exercising our EOC personnel <br />Emergency Operations <br />The Situational Awareness and Common <br />$12,500 <br />Center (EOC) Situational <br />Operational Picture for Emergency Operations <br />Awareness and Common <br />Centers Course is a 16-hour, classroom <br />Operation Picture <br />delivered, training course that is U.S. <br />Department of Homeland Security certified and <br />a CSTI Type III EOC Position Credentialing <br />requirement. The course is designed to build the <br />situational awareness and common operating <br />picture (SA/COP) skills, knowledge, and <br />capabilities of responders supporting all -hazards <br />response operations in the field and emergency <br />operations centers. In addition to SA/COP <br />instruction, the course also provides practical <br />strategies and tools to synchronize workflow <br />during the EOC action planning process <br />(Planning P). The training is a combination of <br />lecture, hands-on activities, and culminates with <br />an innovative, emergency management board <br />game that affords students the opportunity to <br />apply the SA/COP principles and tools in a <br />collaborative, teambuilding environment. <br />Emergency Planning <br />This course provides the students with training in the <br />$20,853 <br />(G235) <br />fundamentals of the emergency planning process, <br />including the rationale behind planning. It will <br />develop the students' capacity for effective <br />participation in the all -hazard emergency operations <br />planning process to save lives and protect property <br />threatened by disaster. <br />