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EXHIBIT A <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />S&W shall serve as a neutral administrative hearing officer for the City's administrative <br />hearings as requested by the City. The administrative hearings may be in -person, virtual, or by <br />written declaration as agreed by S&W, the City, and the parties. The City shall be responsible for <br />scheduling, coordinating, hosting, and noticing the administrative hearings. <br />S&W requests as much advance notice for hearings as possible, preferably at least 15 days. <br />The City's main point of contact for scheduling hearings shall be Rene Farjeat at <br /> or 949-281-6542. <br />S&W requests a Hearing Brief be provided by the City at least five days before the <br />administrative hearings, explaining the matter history, the key facts, the relevant law, and the relief <br />requested, and attaching the relevant evidence and a Proposed Decision. S&W requests that other <br />parties to the hearing be encouraged to file their own Hearing Briefs containing the same <br />information, evidence, and Proposed Decisions at least five days before the administrative hearing <br />as well. S&W will review the briefs in advance of the hearing. At or after the hearing, S&W may <br />request additional briefing from the parties as well. <br />S&W may continue hearings as necessary in the interests of justice. <br />Once all evidence is received, and the hearings and briefings are concluded, S&W will <br />endeavor to issue a Decision within five to thirty days. The Decision will recite the relevant facts, <br />explain the reasoning for the Decision, and shall uphold, modify, or deny the relief being sought <br />by the City. <br />— EXHIBIT A — <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />