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EXHIBIT B <br />LUCorporate Office <br />VE <br />Tel: (714) 667-2300 <br />Fax: (714) 667-2310 <br />One City Boulevard West, Suite 1800 <br />Orange, California 92868 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL w eecenvironmental-corn <br />August 4, 2020 <br />Ms. Kathia Reyes <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Public Works Agency <br />220 S. Daisy Avenue <br />Santa Ana, California 92703 <br />Subject: Proposal to Provide Waste Discharge Requirements Compliance Services to the <br />City of Santa Ana (RFP No. 20-089) <br />Dear Ms. Reyes: <br />EEC Environmental (EEC), a privately held corporation (C Corp), is pleased to submit this <br />proposal to the City of Santa Ana to provide services requested in RFP No. 20-089, Waste <br />Discharge Requirements Compliance Services. EEC's proposal has been prepared pursuant to <br />the RFP. EEC brings extensive experience and past success in developing, implementing, and <br />managing State of California Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) mandated programs, <br />including Sewer System Management Plans and fats, oils, and grease control programs. EEC is <br />poised and prepared to assist the City with the many tasks and services associated with WDR <br />compliance programs. WDR services will include, but will not limited to, auditing and updating <br />the SSMP and overseeing and administering the FOG control program, including food service <br />establishment inspections, enforcement of the City's Municipal Code, public education and <br />outreach, geographic information systems support, computer maintenance management <br />systems support, and training. <br />Since 2003, EEC has assisted the City of Santa Ana with FOG program development and <br />implementation as well as other WDR compliance -related services. As a result, the City has <br />consistently remained in compliance with the WDR requirements and has experienced a steady <br />decrease in FOG -related sanitary sewer overflows and an increase in FSE compliance <br />throughout the City. EEC continues to add bilingual staff to its team and will continue to work <br />with the City's FSEs to develop a business -friendly, education -based atmosphere to achieve <br />high compliance rates related to the City's FOG control ordinance. <br />EEC has also assisted the City with a wide range of environmental compliance programs <br />including cross -connection, drinking water discharge permitting, production well O&M <br />assessment, water distribution infrastructure issues, stormwater compliance, and project <br />management and staff assistance. Consequently, EEC has developed an unmatched <br />understanding of the City's compliance program processes and knowledge of the City's data <br />management tools. Through the experience gained from our previous work for the City and for <br />other sewer municipalities, the EEC team will continue to provide a flexible, safe, and cost- <br />effective approach to meeting the City's compliance goals and needs. EEC's previous and <br />unique experience with WDR compliance throughout the U.S. and specifically with the City will <br />ensure that there will be no learning curve associated with this project. <br />This proposal shall be valid for a period of 120 days after the submission of the proposal. <br />ENVIRONMENTAL I ENGINEERING I COMPLIANCE I SAFETY I TECHNOLOGY '._ <br />