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3. Proof of Insurance. Certificates and endorsements must be submitted and <br />approved by CITY prior to any work under this Agreement. CONTRACTOR understands that <br />CITY will make no payments under this Agreement until the required certificates and <br />endorsements have been approved by CITY. <br />IX. <br />CORPORATE STATUS <br />CONTRACTOR shall be in good standing, without suspension by the California <br />Secretary of State, Franchise Tax Board or Internal Revenue Service. Any change in corporate <br />status or suspension shall be reported immediately to CITY. <br />X. <br />ASSIGNABILITY <br />None of the duties of, or work to be performed by, CONTRACTOR under this <br />Agreement shall be subcontracted or assigned to any agency, consultant, or person without the <br />prior written consent of CITY. CONTRACTOR must submit all subcontracts and other <br />agreements that relate to this Agreement to CITY. If receiving WIOA funds, CONTRACTOR <br />acknowledges and agrees that it must follow procurement regulations for contractors (2 CFR <br />§200.317). No subcontract or assignment shall terminate or alter the legal obligations of <br />CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Agreement. <br />XI. <br />LAWS GOVERNING THIS AGREEMENT <br />In its performance under this Agreement, CONTRACTOR shall fully comply with the <br />requirements of the following, whether or not otherwise referred to in this Agreement: <br />1. If receiving WIOA funds, the Act and all applicable federal statutes, regulations, <br />policies, procedures and directives, including but not limited to, 2 CFR 200 and 20 CFR. <br />Parts 651 and 654 <br />2. All applicable State statutes, regulations, policies, procedures and directives; <br />3. All applicable CITY policies, procedures and directives; <br />4. All applicable local ordinances and requirements, including use permits and licensing; <br />5. Court orders applicable to its operation; and, <br />6. The terms and conditions of this Agreement. <br />Page 12 of 17 <br />