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he/she will obtain employment, whether part-time, training <br />related, or otherwise. <br />STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT <br />Students must demonstrate courtesy and consideration toward <br />the staff, instructors, and other students. The college reserves the <br />right to suspend or dismiss any student whose conduct is <br />inappropriate or demeaning to fellow students, or the school and <br />Its reputation. <br />At the discretion of the school administration, a student may be <br />temporarily or permanently suspended from school for any <br />serious or repeated incident, including but not limited to <br />A drugged or intoxicated state of behavior; <br />Possession of drugs, alcohol or weapons upon school <br />premises; <br />Physical or verbal behavior creating a safety hazard; <br />• Disobedience or disrespectful behavior toward an <br />administrator, faculty member, or another student; <br />Any verbal, physical or other conduct based on a persons <br />sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, <br />veteran or marital status that has the purpose or effect of <br />threatening or Intimidating or coercing another, or Impairing <br />academic performance, career development, or any other <br />aspect of education; <br />Academic dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, <br />knowingly furnishing false information or any activity <br />deemed as academic dishonesty by the Dean of Education; <br />• Obstruction or disruption of teaching, administration, <br />disciplinary procedures, or any school related activity; <br />Theft of, or damage to, property of the college; <br />Violation of the Computer Use Policy defined in this Catalog; <br />Disorderly conduct or led, indecent, or obscene conduct or <br />expression; <br />Knowingly making false statements or accusations that <br />damage or undermine the schools reputation; <br />Violation of any school directives such as a No Contact <br />directive or No Tresposs directive; <br />Failure to comply with the verbal or written directions of any <br />college official acting in the performance and scope of <br />his/her duty; <br />Violation of any of the policies outlined in the schools most <br />recently published Annual Security Report, <br />DISCIPLINARY ACTION & STUDENT SANCTIONS <br />In the event that a student violates the Student Code of Conduct, <br />the school may Impose any of the following sanctions: <br />Educational Sanctions <br />• Denial of Access to Campus, Resources or Persons <br />Suspension (one or more days or one or more terms) <br />Expulsion <br />The school makes a determination as to whether any Student <br />Code of Conduct was violated by performing the appropriate <br />investigations per school policy depending on the type of <br />infraction. The school will determine, in its sole and absolute <br />discretion, as to the sanction(s) to impose on the student, if any, <br />depending on (1) the conclusions of the Investigations, and (2) the <br />nature and severity of the Infraction, and (3) any prior Incidents <br />the student may have had at the school. Incidents leading to any <br />Student Affairs <br />disciplinary action are recorded In writing and filed in the students <br />file. <br />If the student is temporarily suspended, s/he will be allowed to <br />resume his or her studies after a certain number of days as <br />determined by the school. If the student is suspended from a term <br />or expelled, the student will receive a Withdraw Fall grade ("WE" <br />Grade) for all courses the student is enrolled In at the time of the <br />infraction. A student who Is expelled from the school may appeal <br />for reinstatement to a Readmission Committee as to the reasons) <br />the student believes s/he should be reinstated at the school. The <br />appeal must be made In writing, must include any additional <br />documentation to support claims made by the student as to the <br />events that led to the expulsion, and may require the student to <br />attend a counselling session with the Readmission Committee. <br />The Readmission Committee, in Its sole and absolute discretion, <br />may choose to grant the appeal to reinstate the student at the <br />school or may deny the appeal. If the student's appeal is denied, <br />s/he will not be allowed to re -enroll at the school. <br />COMPUTER USE POLICY <br />SCIT students are authorized to use the school's computers for <br />course related work and other educational purposes only. Use of <br />SCIT's resources for other than educational purposes Is not <br />permitted. SCIT reserves the right to inspect all Information stored <br />on SCIT computers, including programs and data. All students' <br />work, exercises, and Information are to be stored on an external <br />device such as a flash drive, not the computer hard drive. The <br />school Is not responsible for lost work saved on the hard drive. <br />The systems provided are for public usage and not restricted to <br />one user. <br />Instances of system misuse and/or Inappropriate usage are in <br />violation of the Student Code of Conduct and may result in <br />removal of privileges to SCIT's computers, suspension or expulsion <br />from the school. Misuse and/or Inappropriate usage of SCIT's <br />computer systems include, but are not limited to: <br />Unauthorized copying, Installing or distribution of software <br />without approval from SCIT; <br />Playing games, chatting on the internet, or participating in <br />activities that are not course related; <br />Deliberately trying to damage system software or hardware; <br />Any attempt to create or import a program that may <br />jeopardize system security or compromises data integrity; <br />Viewing any Images (i.e., photographs, drawings, paintings, <br />or other derivatives thereof), audio, videos, movies or data <br />that are discriminatory, abusive, profane, harassing, adult <br />oriented, inappropriate or sexually offensive. When a <br />complaint regarding discriminatory, abusive, profane, <br />harassing, adult oriented, inappropriate or sexually offensive <br />material is received by Southern California Institute of <br />Technology, the matter will be turned over to the <br />appropriate dean, office, committee or law enforcement <br />agency. <br />SCIT reserves the right to limit or deny access to anyone using <br />SCIT computers and/or facilities when privileges are abused. <br />Page 31 of 67 <br />