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ASIET COURSES <br />Course Code Course Title Units <br />Clio <br />Computer Hardware Fundamentals <br />4 <br />C1101. <br />Computer Hardware Fundamentals Lab <br />2 <br />C220 <br />Applied Numerical Computing <br />2 <br />C220L <br />Applied Numerical Computing Lab <br />—__— <br />2 <br />C230 <br />_—. —_— <br />Computer Aided Design <br />_— <br />___._ _........._.__. <br />__..___ <br />2 <br />C230L <br />_.. _. ---- .._. ......___.._... <br />Computer Aided Design Lab <br />2 <br />EE303 <br />Introduction to Electronics <br />4 <br />EE303L <br />Introductlon to Electronics Lab <br />2 <br />EE142 <br />Semiconductor Device Electronics <br />2 <br />EE342L <br />Semiconductor Device Electronics Lab <br />2 <br />EEM <br />Digital Electronics <br />2 <br />EEIfiOL <br />Dlgltal Electronics Lab <br />--- ..... __ <br />_.... _._.._..... <br />2 <br />EE210 <br />_................._— -'-' <br />Circuit Analysis) <br />- __..... <br />2 <br />EE210L <br />Circuit Analysts l Lab <br />1 <br />EE220 <br />Slgnalsand Systems <br />2 <br />EE220L <br />Signals and Systems lab <br />2 <br />EE311 <br />Circuit An alysls l l <br />2 <br />EE311L <br />Circuit An alysls l l Lab <br />1 <br />ELE100 <br />Introduction to Electrical Engineering <br />4 <br />ELE M <br />Introductlon to Electrical Engineering Lab <br />2 <br />ELE210 <br />Introduction to Electric Machines <br />2 <br />ELE210L <br />Introduction to Electric Machines Lab <br />2 <br />ELE230 <br />Industrial Controllers <br />2 <br />ELE230L <br />Industrial Controllers Lab <br />2 <br />ELE330 <br />Design of Ccntrol Systems <br />2 <br />ELE337 <br />Design of Lab <br />2 <br />ELE486 <br />LabVIEW Visual Programming for Automated <br />Systems <br />2 <br />ELE480L <br />_ <br />tabVI EW Visual Programming for Automated <br />systems lab <br />2 <br />G <br />Composition Critical Thinking <br />— <br />2 <br />GE102L <br />College Writing <br />1 <br />GE202 <br />Introduction [o Technical Communication <br />J <br />2 <br />GE202L <br />Technical Writing--------_—- <br />1 <br />GE250 <br />General Psychology <br />3 <br />GE350 <br />Organba[Ional Psychology <br />3 <br />15100 <br />Computer Network Fundamentals <br />4 <br />51001. <br />Computer Network fundamentals Lab <br />2 <br />MAN200 <br />Introduction to Manufacturing and Industrial <br />_ <br />Technolof�_ <br />2 <br />MAN280L <br />_ <br />Introductionto 3DModeling Lab <br />2 <br />MT121 <br />College Algebral <br />4 <br />MT122 <br />Col lege Alge bra ll <br />____._...___ <br />4 <br />MT230A <br />—_._._._.______._. <br />Calculus 1 A <br />_ <br />3 <br />MT2308 <br />Calculus 1 B <br />3 <br />MT235A <br />Calculus 2 A <br />3 <br />MT235B <br />Calculus 2 B <br />3 <br />PH2O0 <br />Physics 1 ------ ----- <br />�— <br />4 <br />PH200L-- <br />Physics 1 Lab ---- <br />--- <br />2 <br />Total <br />108 <br />Degree Programs <br />Page 43 of 67 <br />