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WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURAN09 POLICY WC 00 04 29 R <br />(Ed,1"f f3} <br />TERRORISM RISK INSURANCE PROGRAM REAUTHORIZATION ACT DISCLOSURE ENDORSEMENT <br />This endorsement addreasoe the requirements of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002 as amended and extended by <br />the Terrorism Risk insurance Program Reauthorlxatlan Aal of 2015, It serves to notify you of certain Ilmitollons under the <br />Act, and that your Insurance carrier Is charging a premium for losses that may ocour In the event of on Act of Torrorlem, <br />Your policy provides coverage for workers compensation losses oaused by Act of Terrorism, Including workers <br />compensation benefit obligations dictated by elate law. Coverage for such loesee Is still subject to all terms, definitions, <br />oxolusions, and oonditlona in your pclloy, and any oppllooblo federal and/or state laws, rules, or regulallons. <br />DOWtionsi <br />The definitions provided In this ondoreament are based on and have the same meaning as the definitions In the Aot, It <br />words or phrases not defined In this endorsement are defined in the Act,the definitions In the Act will apply. <br />"Act" means the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act of 2002, which took offset on November 26. 2oo2 and any nmondments <br />(hereto, Including any amendments resulting from the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reautharixatlon Act of 2010. <br />"Act of Terrorism" means any act that Is certified by lho Secretary or the Treasury, In consultation with the Secretary of <br />Homeland Security, and the Attorney General of the United Motes ps meeting all of the following requirements: <br />a. The act Is an not of terrorism, <br />b, The not Is violent or dangerous to human life, properly or Infraslruoture, <br />c, The oot resulted in damage wlthin the United States, or outside of the United States in the case of the premises of <br />United Slates missions or certain air oarders or vessels. <br />d. The act has been oommlt4by an Individual or individuals as part of an effort to 000roa the civilian population of <br />the United States or to Influence the policy or effect the conduct of the United Stales Government by cooroion. <br />"Insured Lose" mean& any loss resulting from an act of t.onorlanl (and, oxoopt for Pennsylvania, Including an act of war, in <br />the case of workers compensation) that is covered by primary or excess property and caeuolty Insurance Issued by an <br />Insurer If the loss occurs In the United $totes or st the pronlisos of United $totes missions or to certain air oarriere or <br />vessels. <br />"Insurer Deductible" means, for the period beginning on January 1, 2016, and ending on December S1, 2020, an amount <br />equal to 20% of our direct earned premiums, during, the Immediately preceding calendar year, <br />Limitatton of Liability <br />The Act limits our liability to you under this policy, If aggrogato Insured Losses exceed $100,000,000.000 in a calendar year <br />and if we have met our Ineurer Deductible, we are not liable for the payment of any portion of the amount of Insured <br />Lasses that exceeds $100,000,000,000; and for aggregate Insured Looses up to $100.000,000,000, we will pay only a pro <br />rats share of such Insured Losses ae dotormfned by the Secretary of tho Treasury, <br />Policyholder disclosure Notice <br />1, Insured Losses would be partleliy reimbursed by the United States Government. If the aggregate Industry Insured <br />Losses oxooed; <br />a. $100,000,000, with respect to such Insured Losses occurring In calendar year 201S. the United States <br />Government will pay 06%of our Insured Loseas that exceed our Insurer Deductible. <br />b, $t20,000,000, with respect to such Insured Losses 000urrino In calendar year 2010, the Unitod States <br />Government will pay 04%of our Insured Lasaes that exceed our Insurer Deduotible. <br />o. $140,000,000, with respect to such Insured Losses occurring In calendar yonr 2W, the United Stales <br />Government will pay 83% of our Insured Losses that exceed our Insurer Doduotiblo. <br />d, $100,000,000, with respect to such Insured Woos%occurring in calendar year 2010, the United States <br />Government will pay 82% of our Insured Losses that exceed our Insurer Deductible, <br />e, $180,000,000, wlth reepoct to such Insured Lossos occurring In calendar year 2 WN <br />tta�d -ED <br />Government will pay S 1% of our Insured Lossos that exceed our Insurer Deduot�� U &�Xm Div BlomR � At'` ENT C)IviioNf. $200,000,000. with respect to such Insured Losses occurring In calendar year 20�Yf,l'�ad Saralee <br />Government will pay $0% of our Insured Losses that exceed our Insurer Deductible, u <br />C,i 2 � 2019 <br />ocopyrlght aata National soonoil an aompanoatlon InatIXanaa, Ina, All nights nesorved. �l e M1 . (EUgasaj"o <br />�12ANC E R IL#AREAtn <br />