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Inspections And Surveys Any inspections, surveys, reports or recommendations relate only to insurability and the premiums <br />(continued) to be charged. We do not make safety inspections. We do not undertake to perform the duty of any <br />person or organization to provide for the health or safety of workers or the public. And we do not <br />warrant that conditions: <br />are safe or healthful; or <br />comply with laws, regulations, codes or standards. <br />This condition applies not only to us, but also to any rating, advisory, rate service or similar <br />organization which makes insurance inspections, surveys, reports or recommendations for us. <br />.. `:,t:^:r:-:%Rsv Pce`;,r,:..;«:r`:#:� .:. ;.,:...,KK ..: ,, Y.;.;:..�.: ;'en,:er...azz: o: ,F%o'.{:'Y:SS':,8>..0....,..<....<SS....nn�..,..,,,,.,.F.,#,£.�,..�.....#Fiz#,:.£�:53......�„Sc.,..T,.:..K..__.,tkua��..:`L':i`ii<S":i4^i'krnSbS<^.:Sk wa�>`%?i.:tc.ReF'.:::iFI:S"w3"�.M8'##Sk„#i:&nw>.,.S.,.hhh..r<'afi"�"�Fwi:..,'!;::RJ2 <br />Titles Of Paragraphs The fides of the various paragraphs of this policy and endorsements, if any, attached to this policy <br />are inserted solely for convenience or reference and are not to be deemed In any way to limit or <br />affect the provisions to which they relate. <br />kRi:MII: ,.S:y'.):L59i R:AJhLX%:?E.gk1\NY>•'LSMr:.::'::::R::b`).;>.;isRL`.:i8:.:.'A:;N'.h%.Yx»iiiG:#it:;:giESYAUYYRf<#{6L::VUt tttS'fitl:SYi.V'R:.SOgY.tttt'iR.Y:\fia JN <br />Transfer Of Rights And Your rights and duties under this insurance may not be transferred without our written consent. <br />Duties However, if you die, then your rights and duties will be transferred to your legal representative, but <br />only while acting within the scope of duties as your legal representative, or to anyone having <br />temporary custody of your property until your legal representative has been appointed. <br />?ai#:l:;:ty#:ERL'S.'a.:,m,,::��:tlr`hN.Q3:;<R:YC.LiF:h'>wrail'v.'fi:iR'!+i'+,.n.+r,:r#:::#R:R'C.E#A'GY::^.'G3r,3'Re"%:ciifiSYn##e'Y:%ri,:^RRKYZ(y'#R,+:>::SKY/Y,S•$fEf.O",P'R'urS:FT:P.uf;-.,:Re�4xFri'n.:CR �%iai».».n::R'••. •••... R <br />When We Do Not Renew If we. decide not to renew this policy, we will mail or deliver to the first named insured's last known <br />address, written notice of the nomenewal not less than 60 days before the expiration date. If notice <br />of nomenewal is mailed, proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice. <br />Common Policy Conditions <br />Form 80-02-9090 (Rev. 6-05) Contract <br />w � Risk MsnageuntEDtvls[on <br />REVIEWED & APPRovm HV <br />FIM.&:44 Z VZ" ilia. Risk Management Analyst N� <br />s <br />