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Medical Lxoenses Subject to all of the terns and couditions of this insurance, we will pay medical expenses for <br />Coverage bodily injury caused by an accident to which this coverage applies, <br />that takes place on promises rented to or owned by you; or <br />In contioctlon with your operations; <br />provided that such; <br />accident occurs during the policy period; <br />expenses are incurred and reported to us within three (a) years of the crate of the accident; <br />and <br />person who sustained such bodily injury submits to examination, at our expense, by <br />physicians of our choice as often as we reasonably require. <br />We will make these payments regardless of fault, <br />We have no other obligation or, liability under this covcrago: <br />InVeStigatiOn, Defense Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this insurance, we will have the right and duty to <br />And Settlementsdefend the insured against a suit, even if such suit is false, fraudulent or groundless, <br />If such a suit is brought, we will pay reasonable attorney fees and necessary litigation expenses to <br />defend: <br />the insured;and <br />r If applicable, the indemnittee of the insured, provided the obligation to defend, or thecost of <br />the defense of, such indemNltee has been assumed by such insured in an insured contract. <br />Such attorney fees and litigation expenses will be paid as described in the Supplementary Payments <br />section of this contract. <br />We have no duty to defend any person or organization against any suit seeking darnages to which <br />this insurance does not apply. <br />We may, at our discretion, investigate any occurrence or offense and settle any claim or suit, <br />Our duty to defend any person or organization ends when we have used up the applicable Limit Of <br />Insurance. <br />Supplementary Subject to all of the terms and coutdKons of this insurance, we will pity, with respect to u claim we <br />Payments investigate or settle, or a salt against an insured we defend: <br />& theexpenses we incur. <br />B. the cost of;. <br />1, bailbonds; or <br />2, bonds required to; <br />a, appeal judgments;. or <br />UaWffty lnaarance <br />Farm 00-02-2000 (Rov. 4-01) ConUact <br />�� RiekMwugementDtvnlon <br />'{ la RREAEWED&APPROdVm BY. <br />V�r.INl&ht <br />RA lvlanagement Analyst w <br />