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Who Is An Insured <br />Vendors Further, no person or organization from whorn you have acquired your products, or any container, <br />(continued) ingredient or part entering into, accompanying or containing your products, is an insured under <br />this provision. <br />Lessors Of Equipment Persons or organizations from whom you lease equipment are imureds; but they are insureds only <br />with respect to the maintenance or use by you of such equipment and only if you are contractually <br />obligated to provide them with such insurance as is afforded by this contract. <br />However, no such person or organization is an insured withiospect to any: <br />e damages arising out of their sole negligence, or <br />occurrence that occurs, or offense that is committed, after the equipment lease ends. <br />Lessors Of Premises Persons or organizations limn Whom you lease premises are insureds; but they are insureds only <br />with respect to the ownership, maintenance or use of that particular part of such premises leased to <br />you and only if you are contractually obligated to provide them with such insurance as is afforded <br />by this contract. <br />However, no such person or organization is an insured with respect to any;. <br />0 dumages arising out of their sole negligence;. <br />+ occurrence that occurs, or offense that is committed, after you cease to be a tenant in the <br />premises; or <br />+ structurall alteration, new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf, of <br />them. <br />Subsidiary Or I1leMy if there is no other insurance available, the following organizations will qualify as named insureds; <br />Acquired Or Formed a subsidiary organization of the list namedinsured shown in the Declarations of which, at <br />Organizations the beginning of the policy periodand at the lime of loss, such fast named Insured controls, <br />either directly or indirectly, more than fifty (50) percent of the interests entitled to vote <br />generally in the election of the governing body of such organization;. or <br />a subsidiary organization of the fnstnamed insured shown in the Declarations that such first <br />named insured acquires or forma during the policy period, if at the thus of loss such first <br />namedinsured controls; either directly or indirectly; more than fifty (50) percent of the <br />Interests entitled to vote generally in the election of the governing body of such organization. <br />Limitaflons On Who Is An A. Except to the extent provided under the Subsidiary Or Newly Acquired Or Formed <br />Insured Organizations provision above, no person or organization is an insured with respect to the <br />conduct of any person or organization that is not shown as a named insured in the <br />Declarations, <br />B. No person or organization is an insured with respect to the, <br />Uabirity insurance <br />Form 00 02 2000 (Rev. 4-01) confraot <br />1, ownership, maintenance or use of any assets; of <br />2. conduct of any person or organization whose assets, business or organization, <br />a <br />RiskMaregemenfDly1don <br />REVIEWEn&APPROVED BV 8r��1r11r 1r F4M'a'4 R, V <br />Risk Minagement Analyst Ito <br />