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C H U B Bm General Liability <br />Conditions <br />(continued) <br />Disclosures And We have. issued this insurance: <br />Representations 4 based n a o p .representations you made to us; and <br />in reliance upon your representations, <br />Unintentional failure of an employee of the insured to disclose a Lazard or other material <br />information will not violate this condition, unless art officer (whether or not an employee) of any <br />insured or an officer's designee knows about such hazard or other material information. <br />Duties in The Event Of A. You must see to it that we and any other insurers are notified as soon as practicable of any <br />Occurrence, O ffepse, occurrence or offense that may result in a claim, if the claim may involve us or such other <br />Claim Or Suit insurers, To the extent possible, twtice should include: <br />1, how, when and where the occurrence or offense happened; <br />2, the names and addresses of any Injured persons andwltaasses; and <br />3, the nature and location of any injury or damage arising out of the occurrence or <br />offense. <br />& If a claim is trade or suit is brought against any insured, you must. <br />1, immediately record the specifics of the claim:or suit and the date received; <br />2, notify its and other insurers as soon as practicable; and <br />3, see to it that we receive written notice of the clahn or suit as soon as practicable. <br />C. You and any other involved insured Must; <br />1. lannediately send us copies of any demattrls, notices, summonses or legal papers <br />received in connection with the claim or suit; <br />1 authorize us to obtain records and other information; <br />3, cooperate with as and other insurers In the: <br />a. investigation or settlement of the claim; or <br />b, defense against the suit; and <br />4, assist us, upon our request, In the enforcement of any right against any person or <br />organization that may be liable to the insured because of loss to which this insurance <br />may also apply. <br />D. No insureds will, except at that insureds own cost, make any payment,assume any <br />obligation or incur any expense, other than for first aid,without our consent. <br />E. Notice given by or on behalf of: <br />1, the insured; <br />2, the injured person; or <br />% any other claimant; <br />to a licensed agent of ours with particulars sufficient to identify the. insured shall be deemed <br />notice to us, <br />Liabffily Insurance <br />Form 80-02-2000 Mak 4-01l contmot <br />�� o.. Qe ltiekManagrnentl7ivselon <br />rr REVIEWED&APPRMMBY <br />g� �1iitFwvw,.e2.V9iaak <br />00, <br />Risk Management Malys[S <br />