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C H U B B• General Liability <br />Conditions <br />Other Insurance D. that is Insurance: <br />(continued) 1, provided to you b an person or organization working under contract or p Y Y Y p g g agreement <br />for yonl or <br />2, under which you are included as an insured; or <br />E, that is insurance under any Property section of this policy, <br />When this insurance is excess, we will have no duty to defend the immured against any suit if any <br />other insurer has a duty to defend such insured against such milt, If no other insurer defends, we <br />will undertaketo dose, but wo will be entitledto the insured's rights against all those other <br />insurers, <br />When. this Insurance is excess over other lusuramce, we will pay only our share of the amount of <br />loss, if any, that exceeds the sum of the total: <br />• amount that all other insurance would pay for loss in the absence of this insurance; and <br />+ of all deductible and self -insured amounts under all other insurance, <br />We will share the remaining loss, if any, withany other insurance that is not described in this <br />Excess insurance provision and Was not negotiated specifically to apply in excess of the Limits Of <br />Insurance shown in the Declarations of this insurance,. <br />Method of Sharing <br />If all of the other insurance permits contribution by equal shares; we will follow this method also. <br />Under this method each insurer contributes equal amounts until it has paid its applicable limits of <br />insurance or none of the loss remains, whichever comes first, <br />F any of the other insurance does not permit contribution by equal shares, we will contribute by <br />limits. Under this method, each insurers share is based on the ratio of itsapplicable limits of <br />Insurance to the total applicable limits of insurance of all insurers. <br />Premium Audit We will compute all premiums for Ns insurance in accordance with our rules and rates. <br />In accordance with the Estimated Premiums section of the Premium Summary, premiums shown <br />with an asterisk (*) are estimated premiums and are suhitet to audit. <br />In addition to or in lieu of such designation in the Premium Summary, premiums may be designated <br />as estimated premiums elsewhere in this policy.. In that case, diesc premiums will also be subject to <br />audit, and die second paragraph of the Estimated premiums section of the Premium Surinam will <br />apply. <br />Separation Of Insureds Exoept with respect to the Limits Of Insurance, and any tights or daties specifically assigned in this <br />insurance to the rust framed insured, this insurance applies; <br />• as If each maned insured were the only named insured; and <br />• separately to each insured against whom claim is made or salt is brought. <br />Liability Inawauce <br />Form 80-02-2000 (Rov. 4-01) contract <br />�+� itiekManagemrntDivietort � <br />RE EwFD&pAPPRov®By. <br />,t Risk lNanagentent Analyst <br />