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C H U B ET General Liability <br />Definitions WHEN USED WITH RESPECT TO INSURANCE UNDER THIS CONTRACT, WORDS <br />AND PHRASES THAT APPEAR IN BOLD PRINT HAVE THE SPECIAL MEANINGS <br />DESCRIBED BELOW; <br />Advettisemeirt Advertisement moans an electronic, oral, written or other notice, about goods, products or services, <br />designed for the specific purpose of attracting the general public or a specific market segment to <br />use such goods, products or services. <br />Advertisement does not include any e-mail address, Internet domain name or other electronic <br />address or metalanivguage. <br />Advertising injury Advertising injury means injury, other thanbodily injury, property damage or personal injury, <br />sustained by a person or organization and caused by an offense of infringing, to that particular part <br />of your advertisement about your goods, products or services, upon their: <br />• copyrighted advertisement; or <br />* registered collective mark, registered service mark or othcr registered trademarked name, <br />slogan; symbol or title. <br />Agreed Seldertient Agreed settlement means a settlement and release of liability signed by us, the insured and the <br />claimant or the claimant's legal representative, <br />Asbestos Asbestos means asbestosin any form, including its presence or use inany alloy, by-product or <br />other material or waste. Waste includes material to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed. <br />Auto Auto means a land motor vehicle, trailer or semi -trailer designed for travel on public roads, <br />Including any attached machinery or equipment, But auto does not include mobile equipment. <br />Bodily hijury Bodily injury means physical; <br />• injury; <br />+ sickness; or <br />disease; <br />sustained by a person, including resulting death, humiliation, mental anguish, mental injury or <br />shock at any time, All such loss shall be deemed to occur at the time of the physical injury, sickness <br />or disease that caused it. <br />Employee Employee includes a ]eased worker, Employee does not include a temporary worker. <br />Hostile Fire Hostile fire means one which becomes uncontrollable or breaks out from where it was intended to <br />tie. <br />Liat9rRy insurance <br />Fwm 80-02-2000 (Rev, 4-01) confinat <br />AR1ek Management D[wofon �l <br />35t��y REVIEWED&APPROVED By <br />aJ F44$a n.r PZ V," <br />Risk Management Analyst <br />i <br />