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Definitions WHEN USED WITH RESPECT TO INSURANCE' UNDER TIIIS CONTRACT, WORDS <br />(coWinued) AND PHRASES THAT APPEAR IN BOLD PRINT RAVE THE SPECIAL MEANINGS <br />DESCRIBED BELOW: <br />Personal injury Personal injury means injury, other than Roddy injury, property damage or advertising injury, <br />caused by act offense of; <br />A. false arrest, false detention or other false imprisonment; <br />B. malicious prosecution; <br />C, wrongful entry Into, wrongful eviction of a person from or other violation of a person's right <br />of private occupancy of a dwelling,. premises or room that such person occupies, if <br />committed by or on behalf of its landlord, lessor or owner; <br />D. electronic,oral, written or othorpublicationofmaterial that: <br />1, libels or slanders a person or organization (which does not include disparagement of <br />goods, products, property or services); or <br />2. violates a person's right of privacy; or <br />E. discrimination, harassment or segregation based on a person's age, color, national origin, <br />race, religion or sox. <br />Pollutants Pollutants means any solid, liquid, gaseous or thermal Irritant or contaminant, including smoke, <br />vapor, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, eltomicals and waste, Waste includes materials to be, recycled. <br />reconditioned or reclahnod, <br />Products -Completed Products -completed operations hazard: <br />Operations Hazard A. includes all bodil <br />y injury and properly Damage taking place away from premises owned or <br />occupied by or loaned orrented to you and arising out of your product or your work, <br />except <br />1, products that are still in your physical possession; or <br />2, work that has not yet been completed or abandoned. <br />Your work will be deemed completed when: <br />all of the work called for in your contract or agreement has been complctcd, <br />r all of the work to be performed at the site has been completed, if your contract or <br />agreement calls for work at more than one site. <br />• that part of the work completed at a site has been put to its intended use by any person <br />or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor working on the same <br />project: <br />Work that may need, service, maintenance, correction, repair or replacement, but which is <br />otherwise complete, will be treatedas completed. <br />It. does not include bodily injury or property damage arising out of; <br />1. the transportation of property, .unless the injury ordamage results from acondition in <br />or on a vehicle not owned or operated by or loaned or rented to you and that condition <br />was created by the loading or unloading of that vehicle by any insured; <br />Liability Insurance <br />Farm 00-02-2000 tRov. 4-01) Contract <br />m 1tlektrlanrgernenED[Wston �'. <br />RE:vtEwE0 & APRaovm 8Y { <br />e <br />Risk Mana9emen[Annlys[ ' <br />