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CZH U EBB" Chubb Commercial Excess And umbrella Insurance <br />Contract <br />[,]case read the entire policy carefully. The; [antis and cenditioLis of this instu ancc include the <br />Yad III IN NeUlk NI., cI IIIIS LMILI Niel: Co\RI'nge%; Invehllgalkni, l7atel L'.e Allll :YCnitlnlentY; <br />Supplcmeniltry Payments: Coecnipe Tct'ritory: R'ho Is An Insured; Lnnirs Of IUuurancc; Wbon <br />I l ress Follow -Bonn Crlvo-agu A .Aljvlie5 (Drop Down); I?vciiusicms: ( ut)(litiony and <br />Dofinitious, as NvcII as the Declarations and any Endon;cnlcnti .Ind Schcdulcs made a part of <br />Ilik iiisurrnico. <br />'fhtnrughnm Ihis Ixrn[nin. Iha wool, "you" and •gnus" re.1ei In [he Named Insured Nhmvu in Lhr. <br />Declaratiols anti Other persons or organizations qual0im, as a Nclined insured under rlii, <br />colihuta. Thu u•ot'alu Oat" "nb' kind'bur' ref4rto tho Company providing his in5urunvv, <br />rn addition tri the Named Insured, other persons or orgnnizationsimy qualify as insm'eds- <br />'I'haw peesclnv or orpiiuzationa and the conditions under Which they qualify are identified in <br />the Who Is Art Insured suction of Otis contract. <br />Words tmd phrases than appear in Leld print liave special mcaninys and arc defined in tlic <br />Dormilions suction orlhis conttuct <br />s. ,... ., su auP,ea..e3'msrtYeY.e�£�Y rF:KriAlxa".RaS'Ys�;ma3::.ercd uu.nd..,..., on a. i..e, n+o ac+,r:'£�1a 54k.zr_e-c.�s a_asemne�enaazu. n,„^Em <br />Coverage/ Snhicct ro all of the terms and conditions applicahlc to Excess Follow -Form Covcragc A, we <br />Excess Follow -norm will pity, ou bclmll'of the insured, Ihat par[ ol'luss to which this euvakige applica, which <br />Coverage A exceeds the app[ieahlc underlying lirnits- <br />This covcrepc applies only if the triggering ovenrihat mast happen during the pnlivr period of <br />Iho applieabl; underlying imm rance hupp4'nw during the polky p+riod of Ilns instlrunu'e. <br />This cu\ eran . will follow the Wram and ; und.iliuns of undertlint; insurance dcsuibed in Iha <br />I(A)edule ON Underlying Innaurance, unto•,, ninrrn or +N niditinli eonlnined in Ihis tarverlltiC: <br />• differs kim sny Wan Vr condiliorl caialaiirlecl in the urg7lic.61y, underlying inaurnncq or <br />iN nut Can lamed in Ihq up}+lieflbl0 nndcrly'ing in$11ra HV.C. <br />With rasped to Audi cxc'cptions described ubovc, Ilte tams ¢mil cuncliiiuns contaimnd in [Eris <br />covenngewill apply, io he ealem Ihal::uch tarrnc and cnndidtvs provide les4 coverage than the <br />terms and conditions of tho applicable underlying insurance. <br />Ttris cos erag•c: dour not apply to any part of loss within underlyring limits„ or any related costs <br />or expetm-.F. <br />WO he'uo nti oyligadon under Ihis irninrtu= with lv5priw't DJ floe pinlin or stilt saLdoli w4hotIL <br />our conicit. <br />Other diali m provided wider the tlil�e:ill a,ati017, U�1'ellle :\Jld Soldemeno wid SLppleolentan <br />Puymunta sou ions or Ihis tmntrvci, we have no oth::r obligation or liubility to pay status or <br />perform nets or scm ices under rh ii c i rcnngo. <br />u s...,.:.,., �a.> ..r'; ...: .. s—'rmw ' err r a+r�-Vm <br />Coverages/ <br />Umbrella Coverage B <br />Bodily lnfufy And Suhlecl Lo all ofthe Loral, and canditiuuN aplil ieahle 10l:vdne1lai;overugr li, the will pay, un <br />Propetly Damage bchslr" of ffiv ins lass bi' reason of liability: <br />LPablllty Covorage imposed try law; or <br />• a.^suined in an insured contract; <br />Chubb 0Orib'1;D?O; 1 LXG SS Ar+U Uffl lLVra MSLil�:Il= <br />Fang 07-G2-0815 fifty. 7.01) Cvn:raet <br />R O Mn��� �Y+� <br />yy P Marag 1LC8fnWart iYl <br />l REVIEWED&MPROVEDBI <br />Risk Management Analyst <br />