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Policy Exclusions <br />Employmont lvofafod x. breach of any express or implied covenant; <br />Practices 3. coercion,criticism,humiliation, prosecution orrxtahadon; <br />(continuacij <br />d. defamation or disparagement; <br />S. dernotion, discipline, evaluation or reassignment; <br />G, discrimination, harassment or segrogatiom <br />7, a. eviction; or <br />b, invasion or other violation of tiny right of omignnrcy; <br />K. failure or rcrrtsal to advance, compensate, employ or promote; <br />9. invasion or other violation orally eight orprivacy or publicity; <br />10. terrnfantinnofenrploymcsr;or <br />IL other employment-relatcxt act, omission,. policy, practice, representation Or <br />relationship in connection with any insured at any time. <br />H. This insurance does not apply to any liability or loss, cast or axpcuse in connection wrdt <br />any damages. sustained at any time by the brother, child, parent, Sister or sporum of Emit <br />parson at whom any employment-rolmed act, omission, policy, practice or representation <br />is directed, as described in pamRnkph A, above, as a consequence thereof. <br />This exclusion applies: <br />whether are insured may be liable as an employer or in any other oapacity; and <br />to any obligation to sham: damages with or repay somerrne else who must pay damages <br />bccatuso or any Grille frn-cgning. <br />Nuclear Energy A. This insurance aloes not apply to any liability or loss, cost or expense: <br />I. with respect to which may insured under [his policy also has status asap insured <br />under a. nuclear energy liability policy ismied by Nuclear Energy Liability <br />Insurance Association, NILOUal Atotntc Energy Liability Undcaxvtiters, Nuclear <br />hasinarnce Association of Canada or any of their suceessors, or would have had <br />status as an insured under any suchpolicy but for its tcrtuination upon exhaustion <br />or its Ilmit ofinsurance; or <br />2, arising out or the nuclear hazardous properiles of unclear matetrlal and with <br />respect to which: <br />a. any person or organization is required to maintain financial protceii0n <br />pursuant to the United States of Arnerica Atcanic Energy Act or 19s4, or any <br />larw amendatory thereof; or <br />h. the insured is, or had this policy not been issued would be, entitled to <br />indeimriry from the United Stares of Arnerica, or any agency lhercor, under <br />any agreement entered into by the United States of Arwriea, orally agency <br />thereof, with any person or organization. <br />B. This insurance does not apply to any liability or loss, cost or expense arising out or the <br />nuclear hazardous properties ofnnclear tnaterfah <br />I, ifdtounclear tuatcrialt <br />Ell is atany nuclear facility owned by, or operated by or an beltalrof, any <br />hrsaredl <br />Chubb Commercrrjt Excess And Umbteart lnsurencx <br />Farm 07-02-09 fS [Rev. 7-011 Crnvmcr <br />14 <br />y <br />r. <br />i <br />RiekManagementDtvalon " <br />REVIEWED&APPROVED BV a. <br />) <br />Risk Management Analgst U <br />