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C H lei EBET Chubb CommercialExcess And Umbrella insurance <br />Conditions <br />Duties In The Event Of 2. the itti ctl pur.ou: or <br />Occurmnca, l?f on s% i. any other ulahruml; <br />Claim Or Sult <br />(continuod) to n lieonscd ogmt of our, with particulars sufficient to identifv the insured shall b:: <br />deemed notice rout. <br />F. Knowledge of an occurrence or ot'feme by an agent or emplovee of the insured wi 11 11411 <br />coru,tiuuc knowledge by the insured, unlcs:i an offictl (whither or not an employee} cif <br />any iasneed or an oflker't, detigriwe know':, ahnel snch nccurrarim nr o0i.-ma. <br />U Kii IIAt'V UI'an tlgUrit Vr 4'rnpl511ti4 aI' Ilw iIII I[red, Dthar ltan;rn 01ficom hwhclhcr r?r not mi <br />employee) of any insured of an officers dcsiktnce,to notiA, us of on occurrence or <br />oflwnue, which such parson kjiclwo about will not ulloct the insuruiw-v ulTurdul w you, <br />H. Ifs claim or loss dues not xcasonably appear to involve citbut this insurance or any <br />IaI(IM'king ittSK)"110a, hnl. it haler detatlalil inin a d.jim of lass to whir.h this in';u illce <br />applies, the Ripon: to ixq±ran it to us will not vi0hAc this condition, provided the insured <br />give, m hnmerliala notice as soon a. Ilia lnanred is aware Thal this insurance play apply <br />to such claim ox loos, <br />FJYSt Natried ftwed 'I'l to per on or tn'gafizalirin I'Im, tianlecl in I.he Doe Iurtli oil i� primal-i I,., rvspundiblc Iktr pnyrnenI <br />of all prclniunis. The first namod insured will azi on b.half of all other rained instweds for the <br />1 iving and nrtzcha#r of nutico of eanvellulion or uonrcnawal and the rr cciving of tmy rcltun <br />pirclniurn; that become payable umicr this policy. <br />Inspections And Surveys lire rnay: <br />make inspections and wrvgl at any time; <br />give yeti reports On the condition; we find; and <br />rocarnmend changat. <br />Ally inspection;; mirvevs, reports ar rec..nrrtmendalions relata onh; in insunvk+ilil}'alld dte <br />premiums to be chawT; I. We do rtut make safely inspections. W4,' du not undc•rhtke to perform <br />the ditty of ally permn or organization to ptncide 16r the heallh or mllety LVwrirkars or rho <br />public. And we do not warrant that conditions: <br />arc safe or healthful; In <br />cornplywilh laws, regulations, endes or vandarda. <br />'I'hl4 rarndidon arjllia> nil only iu Ill. Ilia ldui le saty rating, wMiory, rate service nt shot Inr <br />arg.ollizinion, which makes hu:umoce uispoetions, sulv�cya. reports or xccarnntcudadon for us. <br />Joint Duties 1n Non- Willi rzapeut le tin uccurlemvQ, uffmsc, cluini or soil, to Much thil, insurancc upplics, lhal arisoa <br />Admitted Jurisdictions Ili a non-ndmitiod jurisdiction: <br />A. we have no duty to defend arty person or organization against any claim or suit; but we <br />tuiy, al our discrotioit, atisurnu cuuuxrl of or ptuliciptdc an any imestigatitm, duf::ruc. <br />teulernentor recnvely proceedpngs. <br />13. you alld-uny odlef insured 1111w.. <br />Cilitilit, LYvti`s'tl MR UM&L4ra fastanom <br />Fomt 07-W20375 {Rev. 7-07J Contract <br />Risk ManagrmeraFNIstm <br />f REVIEWED&APPROVED BY T <br />�-'� Risk Management Analyst j <br />