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C H U EBE3" Chubb Commercial excess And Umbrella insuranco <br />Conditions <br />Maintenance Of Underlying f uihlly Oo Comply with this eonclilian will run iuvaliduLLe this in;,ur4n;0, 11ol in the 64•,1: otanv <br />insurance And Underlying such faihule, our nhligation or liahilltywil I not exceed thac which would have applied absent <br />Limits <ury faller to comply with This uondiliant. <br />{Gonfinuod) ]"au must nolil'p us as sotni as pricticublc it any underlying insurance is na longer valid or in <br />full force orcfti ct. <br />Other Insurance rf other valid and collectable insurance is avtlhible to the insured for toss we would otherwise <br />Cover utiller ill isiristy oce,oaroiligationsareIilulleda!,rhIlaws. <br />Thic io,vraw:e in uxyUis uverany odwr iasurnow, wIMIwr prhnatV, Mk: ,' CanthrgCnt aeon <br />any orlicr hash. <br />We will have nil dilly 10 deYznd Iha In stared ei-Wri L any snit i 1'any proviraer of nay other <br />insurance has a fluty to dAisid such insured n,mnir t such suit.. <br />We will pay only our share ofthe amount of Lossr if any, that cxcecxls the sum of Leis: total: <br />amount that all other insurance would pay tfrr loss in the absence of this insulin s and <br />of all deductible and self-iamrad amonntsundcr all other insurance. <br />'Phis insurance is nor sullied to the terns or conditions of any other insurance. <br />Separation Of insureds Execpt with respect to the Limns Of Imunin", and may right. or douses specitieully assigned in <br />Ibis inglntnrp0 ace the first opined iltfiat`rd, Obit ire RiRrnCc: appliVb: <br />as ircuehi uninod insured wuw aw oniv rrumci insured: anti <br />scpamtcly to each insured against wh+.ern Claim is mode or suit is brought. <br />Titles Of Paragraphs Th . titter 01,thC vnriow pvrtE raph' 0f ihie policy and ondursenur-nw, ifaayy onachrtt to This <br />policy are inserted solely fill- cerivcnioncc or reference and are noire, be deemed in arly way to <br />Inrril or alk,4t tho prxrvisions to wbiviL they rulnlu. <br />Transfer Of Rights And Your rights and duties under this liminince may not he transferred without our ivriuen crmxent. <br />Dulles Frow•cvcr, if you die. then your rights and duties will bz transfcrrcd to your legal representative, <br />hw.orrly while M 111I j within the.colic ul dada+ ns y¢nsr legal repm4e.n1live., or to anymna <br />having temporary custody of your prpaity until your legal ropxasentalive has bean appointed. <br />TransferOr Warver Of WV, will waive dlc right ol'rea+yery wc. would othunvisu hav: have against anolhor person or <br />Rights Of Recovery organrxatinn Inr Io;s in whrrh ibis insunvuce appl ies, provided the insured has tinned thee• <br />Against Others rights of rmovary against such person or or;;;oration in a contract or a.go;ment ltut is <br />cxanrted hefore loss. <br />Ta the e.lurli. heal. Ill, inrm•trPa riughl.s to recover ail or Ihni ofan', pay meld tnndt under lh is <br />insurance have; not bcon waik-W, those rights urc nivisfured to os, The insured must do <br />nothing a14er lrrs to inrpairthem. Al nor requese, ate lns.m•td tell l hrl119 salt MAIV nsl'el• those <br />ri�.Iits to Lis and help as enforeQ thcul. <br />Qwbb Cofnwcmol LxC, Ss And LY11 MMO 10SL ,1000 <br />Fvmr 07-172.0,R 15 7-01) Cuntrrc! <br />1tiekMn Dlvuion , <br />f�RwEwEa &n hAPPrz M BY. <br />r A+LMdi.YR F., VauAIeP,E< E <br />1"- Risk Management Analyst <br />