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Dofinitlonsl WITH RESPECT TO UMBRELLACOVERAGE B, WIII N USED WITH RESPECT'�g <br />Umbrella Coverage S TO INSURANCE UNDER THIS CONTRACT", WORDS AND PURASES T HAT <br />APPEAII, IN BOLD PRINT HAVE TSB SPECIAL MEANINGS DESCRIBED BELOW. <br />Products -Completed 3. Prodacts or olwitalione r0r which titu 011185111100011111 ear tides indicates that such <br />Operelfons Hazard products or operations are not subject to the Products-Coniploted operations <br />(Cortlinuod) Ag regum 1.1rnits Of Insurance. <br />Property Damage Property damage. means: <br />pbysical Injury to tangihle-Property, including resulting loss of rise of that property. All <br />such less orusc shall be dccmedto occur at the time of the physical iglury that caused it; <br />or <br />loss of' use offitingiblc Property that is not Physically injured. All sueli loss of use spoil be <br />dccmed to occur at [lie tine of the occurrence that caused it. <br />Tangible property floes not include any soliware, data or other information that is in electronic <br />form. <br />5-emporaty Worker Temporary worker tnears a person who is furaiahcd to a Party to substitute f"or a permanent <br />employee on have or to nice( seasonal cr short-teran workload conditions. <br />Your Prodtrai Your product; <br />A. means any: <br />goods or products, otbor that real property, manufactured, sold, hanrlled, <br />distributed or disposod of by: <br />it, you; <br />b, otltera trading under your name; or <br />C. a per'sou or orgatni7adnn whose assets or business you have acquired; and <br />2. conininel:c (otherthan vehicles), materials, pans or equipment famished in <br />connection with such goods or products. <br />B. includes: <br />1. representations or warranties made at any time with respect to the durability, <br />f tness, Performance, quality or use of your product, kind <br />2. the providing of or failure to prevfde iriStnle6e114 or warnings. <br />C. dons not include vending machines or other property loaned or rented to or located for <br />tine Use of others bat not sold. <br />Your Work Your work: <br />A. rnowrs (my: <br />work or operatioas performed by: <br />a. you or oa your behalf,, or <br />b. aperson or organization whose assets or business you havo acquired; and <br />Motk Coavnoraiart Exross AM UtttDrotla 7rlsurarioa <br />Rnn 07-02-0915 (R?v. 7-01) Cw,tmr.f <br />REVREiWekEMDa&naAetmPPteRnOtVDEtDvisB�nyrx: <br />t1�)F441Li PVaG <br />?g <br />Mqw Risk Management Analyst <br />