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SUB -RECIPIENT shall comply with Section 106 of the National <br />Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. §470), EO <br />11593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the <br />Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. <br />§§469a-1, et seq.). <br />12. Suspension and Debarment <br />SUB -RECIPIENT shall comply with Federal Register, Volume 68, <br />Number 228, regarding Suspension and Debarment, and SUB - <br />RECIPIENT shall submit a Certification Regarding Debarment required <br />by Executive Order 12549 and any amendment thereto. Said <br />Certification shall be submitted to the CITY concurrent with the <br />execution of this Agreement and shall certify that neither SUB - <br />RECIPIENT nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, <br />proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded <br />from participation in this transaction by any federal department head <br />or agency. SUB -RECIPIENT shall require that the language of this <br />Certification be included in the award documents for all sub -award at <br />all tiers and that all subcontractors shall certify accordingly. <br />As required by Executive Orders (EO) 12549 and 12689, and 2 CFR <br />§200.212 and codified in 2 CFR Part 180, Debarment and Suspension, <br />SUB -RECIPIENT will provide protection against waste, fraud and <br />abuse by debarring or suspending those persons deemed <br />irresponsible in their dealings with the Federal government. <br />13. Drug -Free Workplace <br />SUB -RECIPIENT shall comply with the federal Drug -Free <br />Workplace Act of 1988, 41 USC §701, 44 CFR Part 67; the <br />California Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1990, CA Gov't Code §§ <br />8350-8357. <br />14. Financial Management <br />SUB -RECIPIENT will comply with 31 U.S.0 §3729 which sets forth <br />that no subgrantee, recipient or subrecipient shall submit a false <br />claim for payment, reimbursement or advance. <br />15. Reporting — Accountability <br />SUB -RECIPIENT agrees to comply with applicable provisions of the <br />Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) (2 <br />CFR Chapter 1, Part 170), specifically (a) the reporting ofsubawards <br />obligating $25,000 or more in federal funds and (b) executive <br />compensation data for first -tier subawards. This includes the <br />provisions of FFATA, which includes requirements on executive <br />compensation, and also requirements implementing the Act for the <br />non -Federal entity at 2 CFR part 25 Financial Assistance Use of ` <br />