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6.Unintentional Failure to Disclose Hazards <br />If you unintentionally fail to disclose any hazards existing at the inception date of your policy, we <br />will not deny coverage under this Coverage Form because of such failure. However, this <br />provision does not affect our right to collect additional premium or exercise our right of <br />cancellation or non-renewal. <br />16.Supplementary Payments, Increase Limits <br />Section II – Liability, A. Coverages, 1. Business Liability, f. Coverage Extension – Supplementary <br />Payments, (1) (b) and (d) are deleted and replaced with the following: <br />(b)The cost of bail bonds required because of accidents or traffic law violations arising out of the use <br />of any vehicle to which the Bodily Injury Liability Coverage applies. We do not have to furnish <br />these bonds. <br />(d)All reasonable expenses incurred by the insured at our request to assist us in the investigation or <br />defense of the claim or suit including substantiated loss of earnings up to $500 a day because of <br />time off work. <br />17.Amended Duties in the Event of an Occurrence, Offense Claim or Suit <br />Section II - Liability Coverage, E. Liability and Medical Payments General Conditions, 2. Duties in the <br />Event of Occurrence, Claim or Suit, a. and b. are deleted and replaced with the following: <br />a.You must see to it that we or any licensed agent of ours are notified of a General Liability <br />“occurrence” or offense which may result in a claim as soon as practicable after it becomes <br />known to: <br />(1)You, if you are an individual; <br />(2)Your partner or member, if you are a partnership or joint venture; <br />(3)Your member, if you are a limited liability company; <br />(4)Your executive officer if you are an organization other than a partnership, joint venture or <br />limited liability company; or <br />(5)Your authorized representative or insurance manager. <br />Knowledge of an “occurrence” or offense by persons other than those listed above does not imply <br />that those listed above also have such knowledge. <br />To the extent possible, notice to us should include: <br />(1)How, when and where the “occurrence” or offense took place; <br />(2)The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of any injured persons and witnesses; and <br />(3)The nature and location of any injury or damage arising out of the occurrence, offense, claim, <br />or “suit". <br />18.Section III - Common Policy Conditions (Applicable to Section I – Property and Section II – Liability), <br />H.Other Insurance, 2. is deleted and replaced with the following: <br />2.Business Liability Coverage <br />SB9189 04-17 <br />Copyright © 2017 Allianz Global Risks US Insurance Company. All rights reserved.Page 7 of 8 <br /> <br />