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NS-3003 - Amending Santa Ana Municipal Code Chapter 2, Article IV Divisions 2-9 to Require Board and Commission Members to be Residents of the City Instead of Qualified Electors
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NS-3003 - Amending Santa Ana Municipal Code Chapter 2, Article IV Divisions 2-9 to Require Board and Commission Members to be Residents of the City Instead of Qualified Electors
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4/23/2021 10:59:58 AM
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4/23/2021 10:59:01 AM
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The historic resources commission shall meet at dates and times specifically set out <br />and established in the bylaws of the commission. <br />Sec. 2-373. - Director's duties. <br />It shall be the duty of the executive director of the planning and building safety , as <br />chief administrative officer of the planning department of the city, to make or cause to <br />be made such investigations, studies, drawings, maps and reports and <br />recommendations as requested by the historic resources commission in the furtherance <br />of its transactions, in addition, the executive director of the planning and building safety <br />shall report to the historic resources commission all information and data available to <br />him or her which can be of assistance to the deliberations of the commission and shall <br />advise and recommend to the commission on all technical matters to historic <br />preservation. <br />Sec. 2-374. - Powers and duties. <br />The historic resources commission shall have the following powers and duties: <br />(a) Consider all matters that may be referred to it by the city council or the city <br />manager and shall render Its recommendations, counsel and advice in regards <br />thereto; <br />(b) Carry out those duties enumerated in chapter 30 of this Code regarding <br />places of historical and architectural significance; <br />(c) Advise and make recommendations to the city council on applications for <br />properties to be included in financial incentive programs participated in by the <br />city for the preservation of historic resources; <br />(d) Advise and make recommendations to the planning commission, city council <br />and other city boards and commissions regarding historical projects and <br />property; <br />(e) Recommend to the city council policies and regulations regarding the <br />protection, reuse and rehabilitation of historical property; <br />(f) Recommend to the city council programs for the protection, retention and use <br />of historic resources including utilizing federal, state, local and/or private <br />funding sources and mechanisms, such as Certified local Government <br />Program, Mills Act Contracts, and the state Historic Building Code; <br />(g) Recommend to the city council programs that confer recognition upon the <br />owners of designated historic resources; <br />(h) Encourage public understanding and involvement in historic and architectural <br />heritage. <br />Secs. 2-375-2-449. - Reserved. <br />DIVISION 7. —YOUTH COMMISSION <br />Ordinance No. NS-3003 <br />Page 9 of 15 <br />
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