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In order to graduate, American Heritage College requires that all students complete 100% of all <br />classroom and practical/laboratory instruction in a prescribed course, and discharged all financial <br />obligations to the school. Students completing these requirements will receive a diploma in their <br />program of study. California statute requires that a student who successfully completes a course of <br />study be awarded a Diploma/Certificate of Completion. <br />FINANCIALINFORMATION <br />STUDENT'SRIGHTTOCANCEL <br />A student has the right to cancel the enrollment agreement at the first class session, or the seventh <br />day after enrollment, whichever is later. After the end of the cancellation period, he/she also have <br />the right to stop school at any time and have the right to receive a refund in accordance with the <br />School Refund Policy. <br />A withdrawal may be effectuated by the student's written notice or by the student's conduct <br />including but not necessarily limited to, a student's lack of attendance. Enrollment shall not be <br />cancelled unless cancellation is effectuated in accordance with the following: a) Signed and dated <br />Notice of Cancellation Form obtained from the American Heritage College Administration Office OR <br />b) Personally written Notice of Cancellation containing the following: student name, address, <br />telephone number and the intent not to be bound by the enrollment agreement c) Delivery of the <br />Notice of Cancellation to the American Heritage College Admissions Office. <br />The school shall refund 100 percent of the amount paid for institutional charges, less the <br />registration fee of $100.00 if notice of cancellation is made through attendance at the first class <br />session, or the seventh class day after enrollment, whichever is later. <br />When a student withdraws after the 7-day period, all tuition fees shall be refunded on a pro-rata <br />basis, less a registration fee not to exceed $100. Students who have completed 60% or less of the <br />program shall have a pro-rata refund. <br />If the school closes before the student graduates, he/she may be entitled to a refund. Contact the <br />Bureau For Private Postsecondary Education at the address and telephone number printed below <br />for information. <br />Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) at 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive Suite 400, <br />Sacramento CA 95833, wwwbppe ca gov toll -free telephone no (888)370-7589 <br />CANCELLATION/WITHDRAWALPROCEDURE <br />Student may cancel enrollment at the first class session, or the seventh class day after enrollment, <br />whichever is later. <br />American Heritage College Catalog Page 27 <br />