Department: Public Works
<br />Recommended Action: 1. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2021-115) to
<br />recognize $3,791,468 of prior year fund balance in the Sanitary Sewer Fund, Capital
<br />Recovery Charges, Prior Year Carryforward revenue account and appropriate the same
<br />amount to the Sanitary Sewer Fund, Capital Recovery Charges, Improvements Other
<br />Than Building expenditure account. (Requires five affirmative votes)
<br />2. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2021-110) to recognize $3,863,143 of prior year
<br />fund balance in the Water Fund, Public Works Water Revenue, Prior Year Carryforward
<br />and appropriate the same amount to the Acquisition & Construction, Water Utility Capital
<br />Projects, Water Capital Project expenditure account. (Requires five affirmative votes)
<br />3. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2021-114) to recognize $71,407 of prior year
<br />fund balance in the Peebler Fund Capital Project Revenue, Prior Year Carryforward and
<br />appropriate the same amount to the Peebler Fund Capital Project, Improvements Other
<br />Than Building expenditure account. (Requires five affirmative votes)
<br />4. Approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Capital Improvement Program to
<br />include $3,791,468 in construction funds for the South Main Street Sewer Improvements
<br />Project (Project No. 21-6451).
<br />5. Approve an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2020-21 Capital Improvement Program to
<br />include $3,863,143 in construction funds for South Main Street Water Improvements
<br />Project (Project No. 21-6461).
<br />6. Reject Bid Protest and award a construction contract to C.S. Legacy Construction, Inc.,
<br />the lowest responsible bidder, in accordance with the base bid and bid alternatives 1, 2,
<br />3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 in the amount of $12,759,695, for construction of the South Main Street
<br />Corridor Improvements Project, for the term beginning January 19, 2020 and ending upon
<br />project completion, and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract subject to non -
<br />substantive changes approved by the City Manager and the City Attorney.
<br />7. Approve the Project Cost Analysis for a total estimated construction delivery cost of
<br />$18,309,245, which includes $12,759,695 for the construction contract, $1,599,050 for
<br />contract administration, inspection and testing; and a $3,950,500 project contingency for
<br />unanticipated or unforeseen work.
<br />Moved by Councilmember Bacerra, seconded by Mayor Pro Tern Penaloza to
<br />Approve.
<br />YES: 7 — Sarmiento, Penaloza, Bacerra, Mendoza, Lopez, Hernandez, Phan
<br />O: 0
<br />ABSTAIN: 0
<br />ABSENT: 0
<br />Status: 7-0-0-0— Pass
<br />MINUTES: Councilmember Lopez requested a three-week notification to businesses and
<br />residences surrounding project and allow for increased community input.
<br />Executive Director of Public Works Agency Nabil Saba provided a brief presentation.
<br />Di'q,f1: bp0buncil �6 - 7 3/10/2021
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