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3. Award a construction contract to Stephen Doreck Equipment Rentals, Inc., the lowest <br />responsible bidder, in accordance with the base bid in the amount of $1,126,670, for <br />construction of the Valley Adams Neighborhood Water Main Improvements Phase 2 <br />Project, for the term beginning January 19, 2020 and ending upon project completion, <br />and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract subject to non -substantive <br />changes approved by the City Manager and the City Attorney. <br />4. Approve the Project Cost Analysis for a total estimated construction delivery cost of <br />$1,577,338, which includes $1,126,670 for the construction contract, $225,334 for <br />contract administration, inspection and testing; and a $225,334 project contingency for <br />unanticipated or unforeseen work. <br />14. Approve an appropriation adjustment for $517,500 and authorize a purchase agreement <br />in the amount of $690,000 for real property acquisition for Warner Avenue Improvements <br />Phase 2 (Property Owner: Veronique Pham) (Project No. 18-6901) (Non -General Fund) <br />Department: Public Works <br />Recommended Action: 1. Approve an appropriation adjustment (2021-107) of <br />$517,500 in Measure M2 Competitive, Arterial Capacity Enhancements grant funding <br />from the Measure M-Street Construction, Measure M2 Competitive revenue account and <br />appropriate the same amount to the Measure M2 Competitive Street, Land expenditure <br />account for the property acquisition referenced in Recommended Action 2. (Requires <br />five affirmative votes) <br />2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Purchase Agreement with property owner <br />Veronique Pham for the property acquisition and goodwill (if any) for the real property <br />located at 2241 and 2245 S. Kilson Drive (APN 016-103-22) in the amount of $690,000, <br />subject to non -substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney <br />(Agreement No. 2021- ). <br />MINUTES: This consent Item - Agreement No. 2021-006 was approved. <br />15. Award purchase order in an amount not to exceed $625,385 to Altec Industries, Inc. for <br />two bucket trucks (Specification No. 20-142) (Non -General Fund) <br />Department: Public Works <br />Recommended Action: Authorize a one-time purchase and payment of purchase order <br />to Altec Industries, Inc. in the amount of $615,385, plus a contingency of $10,000, for a <br />total amount not to exceed $625,385, for the purchase of two bucket trucks, subject to <br />non -substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney. <br />16. Award a purchase order in an amount not to exceed $346,382 to Trane U.S. Inc., dba <br />Trane, for replacement of an air conditioning unit in the Ross Annex portion of City Hall <br />(General Fund) (Specification No. 20-145) <br />Department: Public Works <br />Recommended Action: Award a purchase order to Trane U.S. Inc., dba Trane, in the <br />amount of $314,892, with a contingency amount of $31,490, in amount not to exceed <br />$346,382, to replace a failing air conditioning unit at the Ross Annex, subject to non - <br />substantive changes approved by the City Manager and City Attorney. <br />Dil4f0 6p6louncil 913 — 9 3/10/2021 <br />