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Assistant City Manager Steven Mendoza addressed council regarding funding source. <br />Mayor Sarmiento closed the public hearing at 8:41 p.m. after public comments and <br />council deliberation. <br />This consent Item- Resolutions Nos. 2021-003 and 2021-04 were approved. <br />29. Discuss and consider directing the City Manager to explore opportunities through <br />neighborhood initiatives to better recognize and communicate with the duly appointed <br />representatives of our neighborhood associations — Mayor Pro Tern Penaloza <br />MINUTES: Council supports with no objections and provided direction to City staff. <br />30. Discuss and consider directing City Manager to direct staff to amend Ordinance No. NS- <br />2992 removing "qualified elector" requirement to serve on boards and commissions from <br />the Santa Ana Municipal Code to be compliant with Senate Bill 225 — Councilmember <br />Lopez <br />MINUTES: Council supports with no objections and provided direction to City staff to <br />bring . <br />31. Discuss and consider directing the City Manager to direct staff to begin the process to <br />change the name of Lyon Street, between Edinger Avenue and St. Andrew Place, to Elk <br />Lane — Councilmembers Bacerra, Mendoza and Mayor Pro Tern Penaloza <br />MINUTES: Council supports with no objections and provided direction to City staff. <br />Councilmember Phan announced that she recused herself from Closed Session Item <br />1A due to a conflict of interest. <br />MINUTES: City Manager Kristine Ridge provided community updates regarding emergency <br />rental assistance grant funds and noted the water tower will be lit up honoring those that have <br />lost their lives to COVID. <br />MINUTES: Councilmember Bacerra directed staff to promote mySantaAna app, noted attendance to a <br />UCLA Land Use and Planning Conference on January 8th, attendance to the Southern California <br />Association of Governments (SCAG) on January 7th in which he casted a vote in support of Regional <br />Dilgf0 6p0buncil 1f— 15 3/10/2021 <br />